Sentences with phrase «clinical indications»

Most studies of this programme involve families at demographic high risk or with clinical indications for intervention.
I didn't have clinical indications of blood sugar problems, but in my mind, I certainly had the symptoms.
In addition to asking about the type of treatment, researchers asked about clinical indications for double mastectomy, including the patients» family history of breast and ovarian cancer and the results of any genetic testing.
However there are many other clinical indications for laser therapy including but not limited to otitis, dermatitis, gingivitis, and lick granulomas.
This is a good example that while some new infant formulas have «true clinical indications,» others are used because of «parental preference,» especially those formulas that are «marketed for infant fussiness, colic, and perceived gastrointestinal issues.»
The strategies urge healthcare professionals to use a catheter only if there is clear clinical indication to do so and, if used, to discontinue as soon as possible.
They expect to move their lead candidate UBX0101 into human clinical trials for osteoarthritis sometime in 2018, and move on to other clinical indications after that.
Other extraordinary features of Walker - Smith's revised account in 2012 include suggestions by him that his lengthy arraignment by the GMC was somehow unfair and inexplicable, when, in reality, it was largely driven by an agonizingly protracted attempt by him to retrospectively diagnose clinical indications for an extraordinary battery of invasive tests on 12 vulnerable children (including children he had never seen before the tests were performed) set out in Wakefield's research.
Develop a targeted family history to assess genetic risks in children and adolescents Identify clinical indications for whole exome / whole genome sequencing
Antimicrobial use should be confined to appropriate clinical indications.
«In my experience working in a veterinary practice, nutrition was not something that was focused on unless there was a specific clinical indication,» said Katherine Williamson, DVM, manager of Veterinary Services at Purina Animal Nutrition.
They do not know that this submission may expose them to routine interference and physical injury without any clinical indication that can justify such assault upon their bodies.
Wuttke W, Jarry H, Christoffel V, Spengler B, Seidlová - wuttke D. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus - castus)-- pharmacology and clinical indications.
The clinical indications of these addiction patterns were evident many years ago, and the most effective approach in dealing with addiction for my patients — and me — was simple: Eliminate the sugar addiction first, then any and all other addictions to drugs or other issues would more easily be eliminated.
It is important to consider the clinical indications for abdominal surgery in order to minimize needless surgery.
The clinical indications of Temaril P tablets for dogs are directly related to the mechanism of action of its two principal components.
I recognised that this was the only technology in the world that would allow research on the ideal pressures needed for each clinical indication: Including, the prevention of DVT in frequent or long - haul flight and the treatment of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, lymphoedema and venous ulceration.
Coordinates with and assists front desk personnel with requisition interpretation and clinical indications, as required...
«Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Informed Consent As A Clinical Indication for the Chronically Suicidal Patient With Borderline Personality Disorder.»
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