Sentences with phrase «clinical presentation»

Treatment is tailored based on clinical presentation of each individual patient.
There was no evidence of differences in clinical presentation for children in the maternal childhood - only ADHD group.
It does so without the typical clinical classification of disease, in which all heart disease or all cancers are grouped together, based on clinical presentation.
The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parent ADHD problems, child clinical presentation and family functioning in a sample of children with ADHD.
We found that having parents with only a childhood history of parent ADHD was not associated with more severe clinical presentation in children.
Let's now explore the different yet similar clinical presentations of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.
Clients, especially the ones with complex clinical presentations, require a more active and skillful participation from the clinician.
Clinical presentation for right and left colon cancer can differ and right and left colon cancers are also genetically distinct.
He also has done many clinical presentations, both on a local and national level.
Understanding the typical clinical presentations and initial treatment of common emergencies, as well as having a plan in place for when such cases occur, is critical for successful outcomes.
Participants will learn advanced clinical approaches to diagnosing and differentiating clinical presentations of anxiety, depression, bipolar, and personality disorders.
This study also investigated the differential effects of parent gender on offspring clinical presentation.
Are parental ADHD problems associated with a more severe clinical presentation and greater family adversity in children with ADHD?.
It is a prescription allergy medication for dogs and as such it should never be used on other pets, especially cats, even though they may have similar clinical presentations.
Naturally oriented doctors place a greater emphasis on clinical presentation and the history of the person.
In this paper, we focus on the latter limitation, viewing it as a reflection both of the different clinical presentations of many diseases (variable phenotypic expression), and of the excessive reliance on Cartesian reductionism in establishing diagnoses.
Typically, these were patients with longstanding interpersonal difficulties whose clinical presentation changed greatly during the follow up period and who showed key psychological characteristics such as mood instability, self mutilation, or chaotic eating behaviour over time.
The goal was to produce three clinical video vignettes that differed only by race / ethnicity of the actor and represented (a) common clinical presentation in community care, and (b) sufficient ambiguity in diagnosis and treatment recommendations to elicit variability in physicians» decisions on the key outcome variables (diagnosis and treatment recommendations).
While translational research has traditionally moved basic immunology knowledge forward into clinical application, varying clinical presentations of human immune - related disease processes, as well as variability in therapeutic outcomes, have provided opportunities for discovery of novel mechanistic hypotheses directly from patients.
This online workshop provides advanced strategies borrowed from somatic therapies to enhance the work necessary to assist children with complex clinical presentations process traumatogenic material.
Because women may choose different settings for birth (hospital, free - standing birth center, or home), it is important to develop policies and procedures that will ensure a smooth, efficient transition of the woman from one setting to another if the woman's clinical presentation requires a different type of care.
Early recognition of this unusual clinical presentation allows for optimal pregnancy management by both the reproductive endocrinologist and the obstetrician.
As explained in DSM - 5, age of onset is now set at 12, rather than an earlier age, to reflect the importance of clinical presentation during childhood for accurate diagnosis, while also acknowledging the difficulties in establishing precise childhood onset retrospectively.
«Referral bias to our centres may have contributed to the more severe clinical presentations noted for Zika, though we would have expected the same phenomenon to occur with dengue and chikungunya were this a significant contributing bias,» states Dr. Boggild.
Linking the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) genetic pathway with a specific disease characteristic among SLE patients represents an important step towards unravelling the genetic basis of different SLE clinical presentations.
The intermediate phenotypes determine, in part, variation in disease expression and clinical presentation among individuals with equivalent underlying genetic or environmental exposures that predispose to a disease state.
Their analysis of the genetic studies suggests that missense mutations can be associated to a milder clinical presentation.
Cerebrovascular Disease as Initial Clinical Presentation in a Patient With Idiopathic Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Case Report
The non-specific clinical presentation can be confused with most other arboviruses particularly dengue and chikungunya virus infection.
While there is still no universal agreement on a precise clinical presentation encompassing CFS illness, defining patient characteristics in studies of CFS etiology or pathogenesis remains crucial for making comparisons across various research conclusions.
Because of its rarity and unremarkable clinical presentation, a timely correct diagnosis is very challenging.
Illustrate clinical presentations, pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment options and techniques for feline periodontal disease, «gingivostomatitis» (mucositis), and tooth resorption.
FATE is diagnosed based on its distinctive clinical presentation.
«In general, I saw a wide variety of cases and different clinical presentations which made my knowledge base greater.»
Feline Asthma is typically diagnosed through clinical presentation, radiographs (x-rays) and lab work.
We will discuss the unique clinical presentation that differentiates Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis from other causes of canine uveitis.
Her paintings» emotional charge and personal content serve as counterpoints to an almost clinical presentation of the figure — typically close - cropped and centered on an undefined ground — just as her energetic brushstrokes play off her dispassionate source imagery, ranging from newspaper clippings to Polaroids.
The daily schedule will consist of didactic presentations, experiential work, clinical case presentations, and group work to process specific clinical presentations of play therapy.
Findings are discussed with regard to implications for understanding clinical presentations, comorbidity, and treatment.
Objectives: Clinicians will learn: • Case conceptualization skills to use with children with complex clinical presentations due to presenting with attachment and intergenerational trauma where the wounding is occurring within the sacred parent - child relationship.
This limits power to examine whether paternal ADHD has more or less influence on child clinical presentation compared to maternal ADHD.
Direct comparisons of mother and father ADHD in a subset of trios suggests that there are no differences on child clinical presentation between mother and father ADHD, though again power was limited.
It is, therefore, possible that parents» meta - emotion philosophy and children's emotion regulation may be a transdiagnostic factor that may contribute to the onset and maintenance of several clinical presentations.
It's a cool example of variation in the same gene giving rise to monogenic and complex disorders with similar clinical presentations.
Traumatic grief is a common and debilitating syndrome whose clinical presentation is well recognized but whose diagnostic criteria have only recently been delineated.
Consider the differences in clinical presentation of OCD, ADHD and other anxiety diagnoses in order to best inform choice of treatment interventions.
The findings in this study suggest that having a parent with ADHD, particularly persistent / adult parental ADHD is associated with more severe clinical presentation in children with ADHD; maternal ADHD was associated with increased severity of overall ADHD, inattention and conduct symptoms and increased likelihood of CD in children.

Phrases with «clinical presentation»

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