Sentences with phrase «clinical psychological mechanisms»

, Interpersonal relationships and health: Social and clinical psychological mechanisms.

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«Our data show that social mechanisms substantially affect clinical outcomes over long periods of time, and deserve research attention comparable to biological and psychological factors.
Several researchers have postulated that SIB is a mechanism used to compensate for inadequate affect regulation in situations perceived as stressful.7, 8 Although primarily derived from clinical populations, the affect - regulation theory helps to explain SIB in community populations as well, since many report it as a method of coping with unwanted negative emotion.9, 10 If so, individuals vulnerable to SIB may also be at heightened risk of suicidality when trauma or psychological distress overwhelms their capacity to cope effectively.
The basic premise is that posttraumatic reactions are not just clinical symptoms but reflect a psychological mechanism that serves the function of reactivating and processing traumatic memories so that they can lose their distressing properties and be effectively handled by the person's existing strengths or abilities.
Childhood sexual abuse and childhood physical abuse are among the strongest predictors of psychiatric pathology and severity of clinical course, including suicide.2,4 - 14 The influence of childhood sexual abuse and childhood physical abuse on psychological development is thought to be mediated directly by changes in cognitive processing of threatening stimuli,15 - 18 resulting in enhanced negative affect to daily life stressors.19 Although there is a clear link between early - life adversity and psychopathology, very little is known about the molecular mechanisms responsible for the long - lasting behavioral consequences of childhood abuse.
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