Sentences with phrase «clinical sign of the disorder»

PAIN is the most important clinical sign of the disorder.

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What you described about your baby in this blog are the clinical signs of what happens if a newborn with a disorder like MCAD Deficiency does not get enough calories frequently enough.
«An understanding of risk factors, clinical signs and symptoms, and interpretation of screening laboratories ensures an efficient and accurate diagnosis of these common disorders.
Through clinical follow up of dogs genetically at risk, the research team was able to confirm that several disorders cause the same disease signs also in other than previously described breeds.
Those levels climbed even higher when teenagers with ASD or ID also showed signs of clinical - level disruptive behavior disorders.
During the clinical component of the course — which delves into pathology, or the study of disorders / diseases in bodily tissues — he was struck by how there's no physical sign of what's wrong in autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other maladies of the nervous system.
Vomiting may be caused by disorders of the stomach but is a clinical sign that can occur with many diseases and problems.
Some of the behavioral manifestations associated with hyperesthesia resemble clinical signs sometimes observed in other feline health disorders affecting the nervous system, skin, and muscles.
Clinical signs associated with a viral infection are not specific and may include immune - mediated diseases, tumors, bone marrow disorders (i.e. anemia or a low number of red blood cells, decreased production of white blood cells, decreased production of platelets), and secondary infections.
Stiff and swollen joints, lethargy, diminished appetite, and fever are among the salient clinical signs of countless feline health disorders.
PRA is one of the most commonly inherited disorders in pedigree dogs and although the various forms have been documented in over 100 breeds and exhibit similar clinical signs, the etiology, age of onset, and severity of the disease differ significantly between breeds [75].
Because the signs of asthma mimic those associated with other conditions, such as heartworm disease and other lung infections or disorders, diagnosis of asthma is only made after extensive assessment to rule out other potential causes of the clinical signs.
The dog's medical history, clinical signs, history of food trials and the exclusion of other pruritic disorders need to be accounted for in order to attain a correct diagnosis.
For this study the BCSs at the time of diagnosis (or clinical signs) of neutered dogs with joint disorders were compared with BCSs of neutered dogs without the disorder at an age that fell within the range representing 80 percent of the ages of dogs with the disorder at the time of diagnosis.
Additional inclusion criteria were requirements for information on date of birth, age at neutering (if neutered) and age of diagnosis (or onset of clinical signs) of the joint disorder or cancer.
Chronic hepatitis in dogs refers to a range of disorders that have similar historical features and clinical signs.
Other disorders that can cause clinical signs of an abnormal gait include brain infections (encephalitis), toxins, injury, spinal cord disorders, luxating patellas, and other musculoskeletal abnormalities.
Clinical signs of Addison's disease are usually vague and non-specific, and are similar to the symptoms seen in animals with more common medical disorders such as chronic gastroenteritis or kidney diseases.
Identification of these autoantibodies supports the diagnosis if the dog has clinical signs and other laboratory data consistent with the disorder.
Clinical signs are typical of a cerebellar disorder and include tremors, ataxia, and hypermetria.
These three disorders, as well as pulmonary stenosis, aortic stenosis, and a variety of other congenital feline cardiac disorders, tend to share a salient clinical sign.
The Meowing Vet discusses the typical clinical signs and treatments of this airway disorder and warns pet owners of its potential complications.
Food allergy may produce any of the clinical signs previously discussed, including itching, digestive disorders, and respiratory distress.
Some of the less common clinical signs may include coughing, rapid breathing, dyspnea (shortness of breath), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dysphonia (disorders of the voice) and facial edema (build up of fluid in the tissues of the face).
In addition to conformation - related skin disorders, the French Bulldog has also been reported as both predisposed to canine atopic dermatitis [40] and also reported as developing clinical signs of atopic dermatitis earlier than other breeds, which may suggest a higher genetic predisposition [41].
Because these clinical signs are similar to those associated with other serious liver disorders — such as liver cancer, feline infectious peritonitis and hepatic lipidosis — a variety of elaborate diagnostic tests may be needed in order to reach a definitive diagnosis of cholangeohepatitis.
By Megan Davis, DVM The Article: Clinical signs and outcome of dogs treated medically for degenerative lumbosacral stenosis: 98 cases (2004 - 2012) Steven de Decker, DVM, PhD; Lauren A. Wawrzenski, BVetMed; Holger A. Volk, DVM, PhD JAVMA, Vol 245, No4, August 15, 2014 Degenerative lumbosacral stenosis (DLSS) is a disorder that creates narrowing of the lumbosacral region and compression of the caud... Read More
2001 - The International Consensus Statement on ADHD is published (Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review) and signed by more than 80 of the world's leading experts on ADHD to counteract periodic media misrepresentation that ADHD is not a real disorder and that medications are not justified as a treatment for the disorder.
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