Sentences with phrase «clinical specialty»

The phrase "clinical specialty" refers to a specific field of medical practice that a healthcare professional specializes in. It focuses on a particular area of expertise or concentration within the broader field of medicine. Full definition
If you divide this number by the number of clinical specialties, it becomes obvious why the competition for young physician - investigators with promise can be so fierce.
Other clinical specialties do not have specific, board - certified research pathways but instead offer similar training pathways designed by the institution.
He has been in practice for over three decades with clinical specialties in sex therapy, divorce and relationship counseling, individual and group psychotherapy.
Every situation is different, but certain clinical specialties have better track records of supporting physician - scientist careers.
Don't wait until you return to clinic to start thinking about your future clinical specialty.
The diversity of our patient population and clinical specialties allows for a well - rounded education.
You can rely on her to support various outpatient clinical specialties to a high level.
His primary clinical specialty is in the area of addictions, with a particular emphasis on sex addiction.
The first step is to make a list of clinical specialties that fit well with your research interest.
As a young, impressionable MD in PhD training, I followed the well - trod path and went on to clinical specialty training in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Pathology is a terrific specialty that is very well suited for scientists, but I have many colleagues in clinical specialty areas who have equally satisfying combined careers with ample protected time for research.
Residency programs encompass most veterinary clinical specialties as well as pharmacologic, pathologic, and toxicologic fields.
Medicine played a dominant role in studies of disease pathophysiology — far more than the narrower clinical specialties — and this was reflected in all 4 years of my medical school curriculum.
He made a series of fundamental discoveries that had a significant impact on the basic understanding of the immune system as well as on many clinical specialties, including cancer immunology, organ transplantation, and cardiovascular disease.
He has experience in general practice, emergency practice, academic clinical specialty practice, and private specialty practice which serves as a foundation to his practical, yet evidence based approached to patient care and client services as well as his education style during seminars.
The School of Veterinary Medicine offers advanced studies in Biomedical and Veterinary Medical Sciences leading to an MS or PhD degree (Graduate Academic Programs) and specialized advanced professional training in one or more clinical specialties of veterinary medicine (Graduate Professional Programs).
Elective rotations are available in other clinical specialties within the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
New departments, Preventive Medicine and Pharmacology, were also formed, while a single Department of Clinical Sciences was created that was sub-sectioned by clinical specialty as well.
Graduate Academic training programs in a broad array of disciplines; and the Graduate Clinical training programs that provide advanced clinical specialty training for veterinarians in more than 34 specialty areas.
This position is responsible for supervising the scheduling, registration, billing and collection operations of certain VMG clinical specialties.
PA students also complete several clinical rotations for hands - on practice in diagnosing and treating patients, performing surgical skills and learning clinical specialty.
Dr. Joy is a Licensed Psychologist in Decatur, GA whose clinical specialty is helping women recover from breakups.
Dr. Lambert's top clinical specialty & passion is fostering healthier, happier, more intimate, & enjoyable relationships.
Worked closely with network and facility leaders and staff in various clinical specialties to incorporate new concepts and programs into existing systems, and provides education and training to all facility staff impacted by program, role, or technology changes.
My areas of clinical specialty include working with adolescents and children, military families, marriage and family, individuals, stress and anger management, substance abuse and dependence.»
Increasingly, young scientists — and their more senior colleagues — are recognizing that outstanding research opportunities exist in other clinical specialties.
In the late 1920s, Floating Hospital left the harbor waters and created an on - shore facility for research and some clinical specialties.
In the 1920s, Floating Hospital created an on - shore facility for research and some clinical specialties.
MD / PhD students have long selected internal medicine for their clinical specialty.
To be able to compete in a science environment, I would require additional postdoctoral research training, time to familiarize myself with a body of knowledge that had been uncovered during my clinical training, and a credible focus of research connected with my clinical specialty.
This exposure will give you an idea of the day - to - day life in that clinical specialty and whether that lifestyle fits your personality and goals.
Another problem is that you'll enjoy a clerkship more (and think you like that clinical specialty) if you have a good rapport with the attending and / or the residents and interns on the service, so this isn't a fair test.
D.s. Ask faculty members at your institution and these meetings about their clinical specialty.
Clinical specialties that could fit that research interest include neurology, child neurology, neurodevelopmental disabilities, psychiatry, neuropathology, radiation oncology, neurosurgery, child psychiatry, and so on.
If it seems like a good fit, then that is a clinical specialty you should consider.
«Being anchored in my clinical specialty [child psychiatry] made it pretty easy to make the jump into industry,» Gault says.
Because the Iowa MSTP had no M4 year (the fourth year of medical school) and required that we complete a 9 - week clerkship before the research phase, I had to decide on a clinical specialty before returning for the nine remaining months of clinical training, so that I could arrange the clerkship schedule accordingly.
However, the clinical specialty choices of current graduates are more diverse, with many graduates pursuing residency training in neurology, psychiatry, radiology, radiation oncology, and even surgery and surgical specialties.
It is the only Illinois hospital ever to make the U.S.News and World Report Honor Roll, with eight clinical specialties — digestive disorders; cancer; endocrinology; neurology and neurosurgery; heart and heart surgery; kidney disease; geriatrics; and ear, nose and throat — ranked among the top 30 programs nationwide.
In addition to working directly with patients, nurses have the opportunity to utilize their skills in other areas such as administrative leadership, research, quality improvement and clinical specialties.
Postdoctoral Research Bursaries for Clinical Trainees offer funding for clinical trainees to undertake a research project after completion of a PhD, during completion of their clinical specialty training.
Anti-aging medicine is a clinical specialty is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age - related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases.
Anti-Aging Medicine is a clinical specialty aimed at the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age - related decline.
Our faculty reflects diversity in nursing practice including community health, research, education, clinical specialties and settings.
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