Sentences with phrase «cloaking device»

Like a Klingon or Romulan Bird of Prey, a cloaking device shields us from the enemy — it is us.
Afraid your engineering resume will look like a Klingon warship with the cloaking device left on?
It comes with a cloaking device and sniper weapons as starting gear.
Magisk Hide is the feature that allows you put a cloaking device on root permissions for certain apps.
And defendants have offered no evidence... that any of the aircraft used the infamous Romulan cloaking device
The grappling hook is actually just the most useful of several new abilities for pilots including a sonic knife that reveals hidden enemies, a cloaking device, a holographic decoy, and a teleport to name a few more.
You also get a cloaking device and wireless networking capability to aid in the action sequences and some puzzles.
In this event match, Slippy has «invented» a Cloaking Device which makes Fox and Falco invisible.
Fans of Team Fortress 2 will definitely appreciate the newest addition «Covert», a super secret spy ship that lets you use a temporary cloaking device.
Like the other games in CHAMProgramming's series of arcade remakes, it is remarkable for closely emulating the original, the smooth gameplay and two game modes, the original «Classic» and the enhanced «Champ» mode.The «Classic» mode plays and feels like the arcade machine, with very similar graphics, sound and gameplay: You play a spaceship, moving horizontally at the bottom of the screen, and shooting up at a bunch of Space Invaders - like aliens, which attack you in waves becoming harder and harder with the game.The «Champ» mode is an upgraded version of the classic game with new enemy types — requiring more than one hit to destroy, or equipped with a cloaking device making them nearly invisible — and a variety of power - ups for the player, with create an entertaining variant of the original game.Finally, the game features a variety of options — one or two player modes, three difficulty settings, adjustable game speed, input by keyboard, mouse or joystick (Champ even released a «Champ cable» that allowed you to play the game with digital joysticks), and a high score table to round it all off.
They all have special stuff such as: Predator: cloaking device heat vision modes and strongest in combat, Aliens: run on walls and celing, Marine: plenty of weapons, and a heartbeat sencer.
They are the MSK Lobber, EX1 «Proximity Charge», HRX «Harpoon», MZ360 «Mini-Gun», and VS1 «Cloaking Device».
Enemies come in all manner of shapes and sizes with varying weaponry and armour such as some enemies have a cloaking device, while others have physical shields that are held in front of them, but do not cover their feet providing a weakness that can be taken advantage of, although some enemies have self - contained shields that will withstand a certain quantity of hits before exposing the enemy to taking damage.
Equipped with a cloaking device, the Neo can completely conceal itself while in Air or Robot modes.
As the application explains it, «light from an object on an object - side of the cloaking device is directed around an article within the cloaking region and forms an image on an image - side of the cloaking device such the article appears transparent to an observer looking towards the object.»
Who wouldn't want a car with a cloaking device?
Activate your cloaking device, we're about to find out.
The cloaking device also meant that it could dispense with the cliched dark corridors and stalk our heroes in broad daylight without being seen.
Humans — not just extremely violent men — can pull down a cloaking device which hides their inner rage, and no judge in the land can see through it at the vital moment.
They all have special stuff such as: Predator: cloaking device heat vision modes and strongest in combat, Aliens: run on walls and celing, Marine: plenty of weapons, and a heartbeat sencer.
A group of scientists from Duke University have demonstrated a simplified cloaking device.
Learn about the cloaking device that the Duke scientists created and find out if a real - life cloaking device is actually possible.
[David M. Kipping and Alex Teachey, A Cloaking Device for Transiting Planets]
Researchers from QMUL's School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, worked with UK industry to demonstrate for the first time a practical cloaking device that allows curved surfaces to appear flat to electromagnetic waves.
The data, including striking videos, the researchers say, «illustrate that the Vi capsular polysaccharide can act as a «cloaking device» that makes S. Typhi practically «invisible» to neutrophils.»
Engage the cloaking device!
The material could guide sound around objects, acting as a sonic cloaking device.
«It's kind of a Klingon cloaking device,» says Cherr, who has been studying the sperm coating in a variety of mammals for years (somebody's got to do it).
The mind will use whatever presents itself as a cloaking device to secure, validate and justify itself, its thoughts, its beliefs, and its actions.
The blue police box thing is because the cloaking device — a TARDIS feature that allows it to disguise itself and remain out of notice no matter where it landed — got stuck when it landed in the 1960s Britain.
That's your specialty to throw that word out every time you feel the need to throw up some cloaking device.
Current designs mostly hide objects from microwaves or infrared waves, and scientists are skeptical that cloaking devices could be fully functional soon.
On the mission select screen you can buy more items like cloaking devices and deadlier weapons like sniper rifles or non-lethal weapons like dart guns if you've gathered enough credits.
Moving up through the ranks you get to the Vandals with their cloaking devices and stealth tactics; the chunky, well - armed Fallen Captains protected behind personal force fields; the wizards who levitate above the surface firing energy balls.
These are often made optional through various cloaking devices, such as semi-transparent glass panels, long corridors, windows that one may uncomfortably peek through, insinuating the complicity of the viewer.

Not exact matches

It's one thing to build a device to match the Phone That Jobs Built or beat its price — it's much tougher to penetrate Apple's cloak of cool.
«It's been reported that this has been a black - box process,» said Blair Horner of the New York Public Interest Research Group, referring to a device in which the inner workings are cloaked.
A mathematical tool tells us what kind of metamaterial will bend light along a desired curved path, making devices such as invisibility cloaks possible
The device enables thermal cloaking in the 1st phase, followed by thermal camouflage in the 2nd phase.
Researchers crossing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity with the theory of invisibility cloaks have discovered such devices won't work at high speeds
For example, building a useful invisibility cloak — the kind that could hide a person or a military tank — requires crafting many little devices that pick up a ray of light on the far side of an object, away from the observer, and then relay that ray, row by row, around the object.
That year a team at Duke University built the first rudimentary device for hiding objects, akin to the boy wizard's invisibility cloak.
Suddenly, Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, Star Trek's Romulan ship - concealing devices, and H. G. Wells's bandaged Invisible Man seemed the stuff of testable science.
But compared with earlier, bulkier cloaks, such a device might be more easily scaled up to hide larger things.
If such a device could be scaled up to the human - size world (far from certain, alas), it might be able to steer a bullet around a bulletproof cloak.
The device might help study cloaking or other effects, he notes, adding that the group wants to try to stack waveguides to bend light in three dimensions.
Their proposed device [subscription required] would look like a scaled - up acoustic cloak: concentric circles of posts surrounding a hidden object.
Besides invisibility cloaks, ideas have been floated to exploit metamaterials for high - resolution optical «superlenses», devices to better...
Alexander Gaeta was sitting in his Cornell University office in the fall of 2010 when a reporter called to ask his opinion of a strange new paper in the Journal of Optics: What did he think about the claim that it might be possible to create a time cloak, a device that would render events undetectable?
He has made pioneering discoveries in plasmonic cloaking (caused by the interaction of light and metal nanostructures) and invisibility, optical nanocircuits and nanoantennas, non-reciprocal devices, and giant nonlinear response in optical metamaterials.
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