Sentences with phrase «cloned human cell lines»

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The paper not only seemed to validate the group's claim a year earlier that it had created a single cell line from a cloned human embryo, but it also reported a huge increase in efficiency for the technique.
In May 2006, Eggan's lab received approval from Harvard to seek healthy human eggs from female donors, a first step toward using research cloning to create new stem cell lines.
The finding potentially paves the way for scores of labs to generate new stem cell lines without cloned embryos, which had long been considered the only realistic way of making human stem cells in the short run.
Although Kato called human reproductive cloning directly from iPS cell lines «very hypothetical,» he pointed out progress for that possibility when he noted that three teams had produced mouse clones from iPS cells.
In February 2004 Hwang and his research group reported the first embryonic stem cell line derived from a cloned human embryo.
As a result, in late June, more than a year after Science retracted the 2004 paper, researchers at ISC were able to claim the discovery of human parthenogenetic cell lines as their own in the journal Cloning and Stem Cells.
«The use of nonhuman oocytes for SCNT is currently the only ethically justifiable option given the large numbers of eggs required to derive cloned human stem cell lines,» he said.
Though Hwang Woo - suk, a South Korean scientist claimed to have created the first human embryonic clone and derived a stem - cell line from it in 2004 his work was later shown to be fraudulent.
Knockout of CD81 in cells from Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line 18 (ChiPSC18) was performed according to the Cellartis iPSC CRISPR / Cas9 Gesicle and Single - Cell Cloning System User Manual.
The parent TZM - bl cell line is an engineered HeLa cell clone that expresses human CD4, CCR5 and CXCR4 and contains HIV - 1 Tat -
The parent TZM - bl cell line is an engineered HeLa cell clone that expresses human CD4, CCR5 and CXCR4 and contains HIV - 1 T
The parent TZM - bl cell line is an engineered HeLa cell clone that expresses human CD4, CCR5 and CXCR4 and contains HIV - 1 Ta
However, incorrectly identified ES cell clones are occasionally encountered, either because of human error or because a thawed ES cell line gets overgrown by a contaminating ES cell line.
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