Sentences with phrase «close as the prisoners»

The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to witnessing reality.

Not exact matches

State Department envoy Clifford Sloan said last month that the United States was in talks with a wide range of countries to speed the transfer of prisoners as President Barack Obama looked to make good on a long - standing promise to close the facility.
This movie starts off with a prison bus going down a empty stretch of road and on the other side the only car insight driven by one Dr Douglas Madsen as these two come closer and closer together something happens that sends the Dr's car to collide with the prison bus freeing four prisoners who decide to take the good Dr hostage and retreat to a remote cabin in the woods that just happens to be home of a family that is more dangerous then the prisoners now with no way out the prisoners and the hostage must fight to stay alive against the people in the cabin.
Apart from the opening scene, which incorporates special effects to help create a massive dry dock that serves as a prison (the prisoners hauling a ship into it with lines as thick as tree trunks), and a few brief establishing shots, which include dramatic rises and falls of the camera through space and time as each new stage of the story begins, Les Misérables keeps us in close — sometimes very close — proximity to the actors.
An Icelander whose intensely psychological, yet still melodically accessible modernist scores like «Prisoners» and «Sicario» speak in alien languages of subsonic strings and nerve - chilling brass at last gets his actual close encounter as he translates the Rorschach Test language of obelisk / monolith dwelling inter-dimensional deities here.
The brash rhetoric and take - no - prisoners tactics of reformers — elected and otherwise — surely contribute to this dynamic (along with watching many colleagues get pink slips as districts try to close budget holes).
Some charter schools need a lot of work, some need may need to be closed and some do - but that doesn't mean we should go back to a system where low - income parents are prisoners of their ZIP codes as it relates to education.
The second reason is because the generators themselves would keen to gain the «free rider» bonus that comes with being the last one closed: the «prisoner's dilemma» of not wanting to take action first, just as in broader climate change action.
«We will cease to treat IPPs like life sentence prisoners, and instead manage them through the closed estate in the same way as determinate sentence prisoners
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