Sentences with phrase «close emotional ties»

Fact:» [F] indings were consistent with previous findings that teens in single - father families tend to have less close emotional ties either with their nonresident mothers or with resident fathers, compared with teens growing up with mothers living in the household (Downey, 1994).
The court will consider if your child has close emotional ties to you and your neighborhood and whether she wants to leave.
Clear communication is considered foundational in good relationships, but in relationships with close emotional ties, the ability to communicate with vulnerability is what creates intimacy and a deeper, more secure bond.
Infants and parents are biologically ready to have close emotional ties.
Generally, mothers have been the major focus; after all, most mothers spend more time with their children than do fathers and many have very close emotional ties.
Family means blood ties or very close emotional ties that one person feels to another.So you can experience «family» outside of your immediate small group whom you live with but I don't think it can be forced.

Not exact matches

It creates emotional ties and brings us closer.
Factors include the «love, affection and emotional ties» between parent and child; each parent's ability to provide for the child and extent to which the parent has been the child's primary caregiver; stability of the parent's family unit; and parent's willingness to «facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent - child relationship» between the child and other parent.
Among them are a particular sensitivity to the role of traumatic or neglectful ties with early caregivers; the fundamental importance of affect regulation to successful therapy; the importance of establishing relationships with clients characterized by close, intense, emotional, and physical attunement; and the ultimate goal of recreating in therapy an attachment experience that makes up, at least to some degree, for what the client missed the first time around.
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