Sentences with phrase «close knit community»

I'm sure you love being part of close knit community like that.
Law enforcement in close knit communities requires more tact and brains than force and might.
If we want them to be in a close knit community and they are — then that's a special relationship.
FXW is a close knit community where families get to know each other and work together to accomplish the same goal of creating a safe environment for our children and creating friendships for lifetime.
Known for its» award - winning schools and close knit community, Bexley is often a top destination among house hunters.
«The close knit community in which Bess Myerson was raised still exists today.»
We are a close knit community here in Norwood.
You can cross paths with so many people you might of never seen online, but in this closer knit community of people, some blog, some don't, but we are all there with one common purpose.
I love that you have such a close knit community in your town, which is something I don't think I've ever felt (but always saw in movies and read about in books).
Known for its» award - winning schools and close knit community, Bexley is often a top destination among house hunters.
She lovingly described Page as a close knit community where everybody knows each other.
The beautiful photos, the close knit community... and the oh so beautiful filters.
To these users, Facebook is an indispensable communication tool, but the other social network is essentially the local pub: A close knit community woven around shared affinities and experiences.
I mean most of the people in my country is part of a close knit community and is very gossipy.
It's such a close knit community, and it feels like every attendee is there for the love of a good novel.
Not too many people visit the island at the same time so it becomes a close knit community of divers.
Regardless of whether it worked out or not, the particular environment at Black Mountain College, the close knit community of students and faculty, fostered such collaborations in the first place, which at another college, where students and faculty would have lived in a more seperated way, would not have been possible at all.
If you are one of the proud homeowners in this close knit community, you will want to be sure to protect your investment with a suitable Russellville home insurance policy.
In Norman, you'll find a quality of life that's rare these days; a close knit community that offers amenities found in the big city, and is also close to Tinker Air Force Base.
You can cross paths with so many people you might of never seen online, but in this closer knit community of people, some blog, some don't, but we are all there with one common purpose.
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