Sentences with phrase «close language analysis»

Not exact matches

Take a closer look at the language you used in your dating profile: singles who leave online dating sites in a relationship use distinctively different words in their profiles than singles who remain on the site, according to a new analysis of dating profiles on.
Students learn through the following tasks: - Gauging and collaborating previous knowledge through an interactive starter task; - Identifying the descriptive devices in sentences written about 19th Century characters; - Building close reading skills through a study of a fiction extract from Frankenstein - Answering exam - style questions interpreting and inferring the key meanings in the text; - Using models and templates to write extended analysis responses about the descriptive language used in the fiction extract; - Peer assessing their partners» learning attempts.
Scope changes, unanticipated job site conditions and other unforeseen events — as well as the language of the governing agreements — require close study and analysis.
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