Sentences with phrase «close observation»

"Close observation" means carefully watching, paying attention to, or studying someone or something in great detail. Full definition
Based on close observation of animal development, scientists had assumed that a cell's fate is assigned early in life — and is irreversible.
Attention to detail through close observation of other personnel is required.
You should be able to determine the quality of the dog's temperament — the single most important thing when choosing a pet, by close observation and interaction with the dog.
The text takes part of the patient interview and shows how this information offers triggers for close observation during the physical assessment that help the health provider identify breastfeeding problems.
On the surface it seems harmless enough, but upon closer observation, one might be tempted to skip it altogether.
Your dog will remain under close observation because these fluids must not be administered faster than the dog's body can properly distribute them.
Unlike humans, animals can not complain that they are having difficulty breathing, and so recognizing this sign requires close observation of breathing rate and effort.
Keep your senior cat healthy with close observation and a quick check of their health at home as often as once per week.
I decided to intervene to stress close observation again.
To teach close observation in biology, ask students to adopt a tree for the year and visually record how it changes over time.
If a dog is going to go to a dog park, then he should be under the owners close observation or stay on a leash while he is there.
However close observation for signs of worsening is important.
But I think it is time for a few closing observations.
Specifically, we need policies that promote good physical and social and emotional health and that provide for developmental screening to identify children whose development may deserve closer observation or assessment.
Students are then able to apply the critical thinking skills they have developed through close observation of pictures to their reading.
Identifying signs of trauma can become clearer through close observation of children and collaboration between families, carers and educators.
Upon closer observation, one realizes that these are the same images, existing in unique composition, light and color.
You must keep your center of gravity under close observation and tight control to maintain its precarious position above its narrow base of support, the standing foot.
A rehabilitation facility where the patient is kept in close observation is considered to be one of the best forms of treatment where both physical as well as mental treatments go hand in hand.
«This process requires close observation of, and engagement with, my subject — looking past the obvious,» he says.
They also have a close focus of just 6.6 feet, so they are perfect for close observations.
Her work is energetic, cacophonous, and idiosyncratic, but close observation reveals formal decisions about color and composition, and a tempering of chaos with control.
Suzanne Caporael is a notable American artist who's work derives from close observation of the natural world which she tries to define and control it.
After close observation by the Mariner 10 spacecraft, the period was determined to be 58.646 + - 0.005 days.
They give primacy to the viewer's experience, and reward close observation of the textured and vivid surfaces, orifices, and protrusions that comprise his otherworldly forms.
This is a relationship where close observation of each party's behavior is necessary for progress, and many obstacles in this puzzle - platformer will necessitate a little trial and error before they've overcome.
Using close observation of videotaped sessions, AEDP supervisors model a strong focus on here - and - now interactions, with a full awareness of affective resonance, empathy, and dyadic affect regulation phenomena.
In expeditions to sites around the nearby bay, the team of students made close observations — scientific, cartographic, etymological, even poetic and political — that they brought together as a striking and useful field guide called Perspectives of the San Diego Bay (September 2005)
Highlights include close observation of Australia's largest population of Australian fur seals (7,000 +) off the aptly named Seal Rocks, spotting common and bottlenose dolphins and tracking seabirds including pied and black - faced cormorants, Australasian gannets, shy albatross, crested terns and pacific gulls.
Martha Armstrong's painting combines close observation with invention in a balanced measure, which she uses to create solid structures and harmonies that dance parallel alongside nature.
Maybe it's just a coincidence of date and place, but I always think of Ghirri as the Italo Calvino of photography: Like Calvino (at least in his «Difficult Loves» mode) Ghirri engages in very close observation of the everyday world, but always manages to find the surreal in it — but again like Calvino, the strangeness seems more profound and structural than merely freaky.
Genetic mutations could occur at which could elevate their potential for causing widespread harm, thus close observation by contagious disease specialists is merited.
That will come later, with further close observations by Juno — not only with JunoCam but also its eight other instruments that can measure the planet's temperature, its magnetic and gravitational fields, microwave emissions from its deep interior, and more.
New Horizons flew through the Pluto system on July 14, 2015, making the first close observations of Pluto and its family of five moons.
The University has since announced a # 17 million investment in state - of - the - art facilities that will allow even closer observation of life within cells.
He felt I was at the end of my growth spurt and recommended I be under close observation but hold off with the surgery.
Fukui's work reads as non-objective painting at a distance, yet on closer observation intrigues with surprising imagery that suggests narrative.
Marked by a sceptical humour and a focus upon the darker sides of human behaviour, place and social identity, Lewer's work involves close observation and highly subjective encounters with family, religious, sport and criminal subjects, leading to insightful and absurd narrative reflections on good and evil, life and mortality.
Without close observation it would have been easy to miss tiny sculptures adorning such small spaces as an electrical outlet, as Kendler's work encroached on the gallery like moss on a rock in the most charming way possible.
The metallic shimmer of light on the surface invites closer observation in raking light.
Conway's approach to representation, which is equally precise, methodical, intuitive and analytical, not only involves a depiction of scenes that interweave close observation and pure imagination.
Close observation showed how they had tortured their data.
With other companies in the midst of major strategic transitions, the contest between Apple and Samsung will bear close observation as hotly - anticipated new models are launched.»
Operating room close observation of natural labor and delivery, and cesarean section deliveries.
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