Sentences with phrase «close orbits around their stars»

Following its 2004 discovery in a scorching close orbit around a star 40 light - years away, astronomers dubbed the planet a «super-Earth.»
The planet, known as HD 189733b, is a hot Jupiter, meaning it is similar in size to Jupiter in our solar system but in very close orbit around its star.

Not exact matches

The exoplanet (a planet in another solar system) is about six times the mass of Jupiter and orbits about 40 percent closer to its star, dubbed HD 102272, than Earth does around the sun.
Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse analyzed two neutron stars orbiting around each other and found they were getting closer — that is, the system was losing energy, by precisely the amount it would lose if the neutron stars were emitting gravitational waves.
But astronomers have always wondered about the paucity of close - in brown dwarfs: While many giant planets have been found in small orbits, whirling around their sunlike stars in just a few days, the more massive brown dwarfs appear to shun these intimate relationships.
It forms a close binary with another massive star within the open cluster, meaning that the two orbit around a shared centre of mass.
One common idea suggested by the public is that a stellar - mass black hole in close orbit around Boyajian's star could block the star's light.
The two binary stars A and B revolve around their common centre of mass in a relatively close orbit, while the third star, Proxima Centauri, is 0.22 light years away, more than 12,500 times the distance between the Sun and Earth.
He pointed out that there are many close - orbiting planets around middle - aged stars that are in stable orbits, but his team doesn't know how quickly this young planet is going to lose its mass and «whether it will lose too much to survive.»
Habitable Earth - size planets might turn up sooner around smaller, cooler stars in Kepler's field of view, where water could persist on closer - orbiting planets that would complete laps around their host stars more quickly.
For Star C, the water zone orbit lies only around 0.0027 AU, even closer than for Star B.
Around smaller, less massive and dimmer dwarf stars, however, planets would have to orbit closer in order to sustain a surface temperature that is warm enough to keep water liquid and so the star would appear larger in the sky.
The failure, thus far, to find large substellar objects like brown dwarfs or a Jupiter - or Saturn - class planet in a «torch» orbit (closer han the Mercury to Sun distance) around 107 Piscium — with even the highly sensitive radial - velocity technique of Geoffrey W. Marcy and R. Paul Butler — bodes well for the possibility of Earth - type terrestrial planets around this star (Cumming et al, 1999).
In one case, an Earth - sized planet could orbit in the habitable zone (capable of having liquid water on their planetary surface) around two stars close together.
Planet b has a close inner orbit around Star A at a semi-major axis of only 0.0717 + / - 0.0034 AUs (Howard et al, 2014).
The orbit of an Earth - like planet (with liquid water) around close - orbiting Stars A and B may be centered as close as 1.06 AU — between the orbital distances of Earth and Mars in the Solar System — with an orbital period of over 384 days (1.05 years).
Given that the presence of one close - orbiting planet usually indicates the presence of others, many astronomers are now expected to devote more resources to detecting such potential planets around Star B (ESO press release; and Dumusque et al, 2012).
The discovery of 54 Piscium b indicates that the highly elliptical orbits of close - in planets found around other stars could be the result of orbital perturbations by low - mass companions at wide separations from their host stars (more).
The new exoplanet, dubbed «HIP 116454b,» is 2.5 times the diameter of Earth and follows a close, nine - day orbit around its parent star, whose small size and cool temperature make the planet too hot to support life.
Because the planets are in such close orbits around TRAPPIST - 1, some or all of them may be tidally locked, which means that they always present the same side to the star and the opposite side away from the star.
These planets would be around the mass of Neptune, or lighter, and would orbit close to their stars, basking in their searing heat.
The analyses did not resolve whether the perturbing body orbits Sirius A or B, although dynamical simulations suggest that stable orbits exist around both stars at circumstellar distances up to more than half the binary system's closest separation of 8.1 AUs (Daniel Benest, 1989).
The orbit of an Earth - like planet (with liquid water) around Star A may be centered as close as 1.8 AU — between the orbital distances of Mars and the Main Asteroid Belt in the Solar System — with an orbital period of 2.2 years.
However, if the existence of a relatively close, second companion (see Star Bc below) around Bab — with an orbital period of 2.2 to 2.9 years or less — is confirmed, then a planetary orbit in Star Ba's water zone may not be stable over the long run.
The TRAPPIST - 1 exoplanets are packed in a tight orbit around their dim parent star and are so close to one another that all of their orbits would fit inside Mercury's orbit of the sun.
The orbit of an Earth - like planet (with liquid water) around Star B may be centered as close as 0.09 AU — well within the orbit distance of Mercury — with an orbital period of just around 22 days.
Basically, when a person looks at the same stars when the Earth is at different places in its orbit around the sun, the closer stars will appear to move position relative to the more distant stars.
Furthermore, gravitational microlensing can complement other exoplanet detection techniques like radial velocity and the transit method, which are limited in discovering mostly massive planets in relatively close orbits around their host stars.
Stars close to the black - hole «whirlpool» orbit at a faster rate, in keeping with fundamental laws of orbital motion around a massive central body, as described by Johannes Kepler four centuries ago.
The close - in orbit around the cool star implies a mean surface temperature of between 0 and 40 degrees C - a range over which water would be liquid - and places the planet in the red dwarf's habitable zone.
The detection of close - in giant planets around other stars was the first clue that this pattern is not universal, and that planets» orbits can change substantially after their formation.
The failure, thus far, to find large substellar objects like brown dwarfs or a Jupiter - or Saturn - class planet in a «torch» orbit (closer than the Mercury to Sun distance) around Xi Boötis A — with even the highly sensitive radial - velocity methods of Geoffrey W. Marcy and R. Paul Butler — bodes well for the possibility of Earth - type terrestrial planets around this star (Cumming et al, 1999).
One of the stars, called S2, orbits Sgr A * every 16 years and zooms very close to the black hole — around four times the sun - Neptune distance.
The smallest planet orbits Kepler - 33, a star older and more massive than our Sun, Sol, which also had the most detected planet candidates at five (ranging in size from 1.5 to 5 times that of Earth) in uninhabitable, hot inner orbits closer to their star than even Mercury around our Sun (NASA Kepler news release; and JPL news release).
The orbit of an Earth - like planet (with liquid water) around this star would be centered around 0.91 AU — between the orbital distances of Venus and Earth in the Solar System — with an orbital period of nearly 342 days, close to an Earth year.
With a semi-major axis of 0.066 AUs, it orbits so close to its host star that its orbital period lasts only 8.78 days, and so the planet must be very hot at around 450 ° Kelvin, 351 ° F, or 177 ° C (Forveille et al 2008).
Finally, noncoplanarity between the component stars of a binary system should not have a significant impact on the stability of close - in planetary orbits around each star (Alan Hale, 1994).
Indeed, stable orbits may extend as far as one third of the closest separation between any two stars in a binary system, but according to NASA's Kepler Mission team, numerical integration models have shown that there is a range of orbital radii between about 1/3 and 3.5 times the stellar separation for which stable orbits around two stars are not possible (Holman and Wiegert, 1999; Wiegert and Holman, 1997; and Donnison and Mikulskis, 1992).
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