Sentences with phrase «closed forest habitats»

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On landscapes with both open and closed habitat structure, they may use a combined strategy of hiding in forest cover to lower predator encounter rates and seeking open terrain, such as grasslands, where predation risk may be reduced.
For instance, the habitat at Hadar and Laetoli was a mixture of forest, closed woodland and grassland around the Rift lakes, with forest on the nearby mountains.
In doing so, we could demonstrate that this species of dinosaur was able to blend in particularly well in areas with closed forests,» explains Mayr, and he summarizes, «We therefore assume that this was also the preferred habitat of Psittacosaurus.»
A variety of natural habitats are found on the Monterey Peninsula: littoral zone and sand dunes; closed - cone pine forest; and Monterey Cypress.
From the river boat you will see, huge crocodiles up - close in their natural habitat, up to 50 different kinds of exotic birds, such as the brilliantly colored scarlet macaw, black and green iguanas, Jesus Christ lizards, monkeys, anteaters, and other jungle wildlife, tropical mangrove forests, a breathtaking crocodile feeding show!
From the bright peaks of snowy mountains, to the shadows of the forests, to the bustling city and down into the dark of the oceans around the world, the video pays homage to world renowned nature documentaries as it gradually reveals a variety of Pokémon in their real - world natural habitats — bringing augmented reality one step closer to life.
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