Sentences with phrase «closed hand»

Imagine if your neighbor stops by to chat, and on the way out you accidentally close his hand in the door because your mind is elsewhere.
Now close your hands around the photograph while saying the person's name three times.
Holding your hand with the palm facing up, as though someone were going to place money in your hand, close your hand into a fist.
Depending on how close your hands are together on the barbell, you target either different areas of your chest.
Imagine if your neighbor stops by to chat, and on the way out you accidentally close his hand in the door because your mind is elsewhere.
A no - action close hands control of the interviewing process over to the reader.
Brush the edges with egg wash and fold over to close the hand pie.
But if baby is still in the stage where they simply closes her hand — fingers touching palm — then solid food must wait awhile.
But patients in the study showed significant improvement in opening and closing their hands after practicing with the device after 12 weeks.
It's just right — thick enough to make you feel like you're driving a sports car, but thin enough that you can actually close your hand completely around the rim.
If you see that the other vehicle's light is not working you open and close your hand touching your fingertips and thumb together.
Around 3 months, you'll likely notice your baby starting to open and close his hands in attempts to grasp objects within reach.
That said, the key to hand - expression is compression: opening and closing the hand around the breast.
A no action close hands the control of the interview process over to the employer.
Neville said, «The one that stood out most for me having watched him come back into the team against Manchester City and see him at close hand [against Villa] was Bellerin the full back.
Like we mentioned the wide hand push up will primarily work your chest, while close hand push up will work your triceps and shoulders a lot more than your chest.
Gently close your hand over the kitten and, turning the hand palm downwards, rapidly swing your extended arm in a downward motion several times.
Elliptic's Multi Layer Interaction system measures both hand position and distance, letting users control phone software either by how close their hand gets to the screen, or with side - to - side swipe gestures.
Iloka was flat on his back and the ball fell right into his lap, he literally didn't have to do anything except close his hands on the ball.
Babies learn to laugh, recognize faces, hold theirheads upright, kick legs, open and close their hands by the end of 3 months.
From far away they can appear perfectly polished and almost machine - like but up close the hand of the maker can not be denied and it is clear that each painting is the result of a laborious process of decision making.
Kinect functionality is also available in Gunsmith mode, letting you happily dismantle the entire gun by pulling apart your hands and then put it back together for inspection by closing your hands together again.
Other push - up variations that are more challenging include stagger handed pushups, superman pushups, pushups on a stability ball, one - arm pushups, close handed pushups, and clap pushups, and, if you dare, handstand pushups.
The sad part is I am sure I spent more hours playing that game than I have spent in eyes closed hand clasped prayer
Close your hand halfway to create a little well in middle pour in salt add to flour repeat for baking powder.
Using Oculus» controllers, users can interact with controls that appear in the virtual space to open and close the hand grippers to pick up, move, and retrieve items.
The project interprets your bird - like arm posture as if you were making a shadow puppet: Opening and closing your hand like a beak causes the cute, bird - from - Up - like avian to do the same, and let off a chirp.
Three also completed tests where they were asked to close their hand as if gripping a cylinder, while not being able to see their prosthetic arm.
The paper shape can be related to the initial opening of the hand to grasp a paper, and the rock closing the hand to grasp a rock — and in fact, these imagined hand shapes were used by Sorto to imagine opening a robotic hand by imagining paper and closing the robotic hand around an object by imagining rock.
There are numerous variations of the push up workout: from sissy pushups on your knees (for those that have no strength to do a regular push up), to wide hand position pushups, close hand position pushups, elevated feet push ups etc..
Infants have a number of primitive reflexes as soon as they're born: They automatically close their hands to grasp when their palms are stroked, suck when the roofs of their mouths are touched, and throw out their arms when they're startled, for example.
He can also really clap now, as opposed to putting his partially closed hands together.
The Avengers were occasionally able to keep Thanos from closing his hand, which made him unable to use the Gauntlet.
When your dog reaches forward to gulp down the treat, quickly close your hand and don't let them get it.
Allow Fido to examine it then close your hand over the treat.
Just close your hand, or raise it, and let him exhaust all his options.
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Observing at close hand the great drama of these extraordinary discoveries unfold, they seem to pose the most searching challenge to prevailing theories of how things are.
Then, whenever something happens and you need to decide how to respond... or whenever you need to make a decision about the best course of action... take a moment and close your hand around your coin.
Open and close your hand in front of the camera.
THE great detective surveyed the wrecked hotel room and closed his hand on the left luggage locker key lying in his palm.

Phrases with «closed hand»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z