Sentences with phrase «closing act»

Seriously, the entire closing act of Riddick is Pitch Black, but with different characters.
The hatchet - chopped closing act has as many baffling skyline pans as Tommy Wiseau's The Room, but Anna Paquin and Jeannie Berlin astound, and writer - director Lonergan peppers the film with some amazing one - off sequences, chief among them a hilarious, unbearably protracted sex scene between Paquin and Kieran Culkin.
Former students spoke of an unprofessional culture at Franco's now - closed acting school Studio 4, where he taught a sex scenes class.
Only Yesterday's memory - lane stroll only goes awry in the strange, perhaps productively inscrutable closing act, which seeks to consolidate Taeko's fifth - grade experiences around a single event while speaking to her current present dilemma over whether to stay in the country and marry Toshio or return to the city.
Self - Portrait in Blue Jacket bookends his biography, which includes medical service in World War I, success in Weimar, a flight to Amsterdam after the Nazi regime denounced his work as «degenerate,» and, finally, the brief closing act in America, where he suffered a heart attack on his way to view the piece at the Met.
In the closing act of the Industry Focus Awards, the cast revisits Foolish listener emails before pitching their nominees for most likely to succeed and the infamous participation award.
Tom Allon, Bill deBlasio, John Liu, Christine Quinn, Scott Stringer, and Bill Thompson were the closing act of a half - day conference at NYU devoted to boosting minority - and women - owned businesses.
«Because if she wins the victory she has earned through her leadership and service here and your support, then it'll have a big impact on Pennsylvania, and the Atlantic coast primary states of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland, and then we'll swing into the closing act in California and in New Jersey,» Clinton said.
Whether it's a rogue supermassive black hole or the closing act of a rare star, it seems astronomers have never seen the likes of SDSS1133 before.
It does, however, all whip by a bit too fast and comes a little too tangled in its crosses and double - crosses during the closing act.
Initially, it's very tough going and self - serious, and when a tangible drama eventually rears its head in the closing act (how the pair intellectually usurp the clandestine revolutionary organisation The League of the Just), it's too little too late.
It was a heart - breaking ending, especially the funeral scene in the closing act.
But the opening act feels too obtuse and the closing act too direct and stuffed with long - winded voice over.
It might be hard to imagine that a film about CGI robots duking it out in a boxing ring could be become stale after awhile, but the closing act of Real Steel gets weighed down in too much sequel setup and not enough payoff for the existing narrative threads.
As a result, while the portrayal is campy and, at times, melodramatic, most audience members will likely be rooting for Poe as the film stumbles into the closing act.
The scenes with his daughter in the closing acts of the film are downright insulting, pure wish fulfillment for a man who left others behind on his climb up the ladder.
Mazer also sees fit to give her the duty of delivering an emotional monologue in the closing act.
That warning signals a closing act that gathers adults and children alike — all seeking refuge from a storm — for the promised orchestral finale, set in the same church where Sam first spotted Suzy in a production of Britten's Noye's Fludde.
Witness the closing act on the First Family of the Marvel Universe!
This is an important novel, and one that demands readers» compassion to build until it crescendos in the novel's closing act.
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus was the closing act of the Bethesda Showcase.
It would be 35 minutes later until they showed off something resembling a real game, Forza Motorsport, and the closing act was a story trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts with no gameplay.
As a closing act, SEGA's legendary Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (SEGA Sound Unit [H.] vocalist and SEGA Sound artist), joined the SEGA Hard Girls to perform a couple of songs, including «Halo - halo Nari Jans Ondo» from Roomania 203, «Blooming ``, and «Young Force — SEGA Hard Girls Mix» from the Hi ☆ sCoool!
It seemed like an unwritten rule during Nintendo's earlier console generations that Kirby was to be the closing act.
Kalup & Franco are the closing act for a Hollywood - style awards show where celebrity and contemporary art merge in ambiguous ways.
I'm not sure I'd have been keen for the fifth day of Bluesfest if Neil Finn hadn't been the closing act.
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