Sentences with phrase «cloud formation»

The new study showed that as temperatures warm and plants consequently release more of these gases, the concentrations of particles active in cloud formation increase.
Show the process of cloud formation with an aerosol spray.
In the process it will interfere with marine ecosystems and affect cloud formation in ways we barely understand.
In this lesson plan, students participate in a hands - on activity using a plastic bottle and other simple ingredients to learn the three factors required for cloud formation.
The increased water vapor will almost certainly result in increased cloud formation, thereby, increasing the albedo — negative feedback.
For example, how many climate models include the bacterial dynamics associated with cloud formation in the ocean?
A new study provides some of the first evidence that humans are changing cloud formation on a nearly continual basis.
Much of this research on specifics like cloud formation would likely occur anyway, under basic climatic research.
When relative humidity is high enough, it triggers cloud formation.
Recent attempts to understand cloud formation have explored wide regions of the equilibrium temperature - gravity parameter space.
What makes you sure that increasing CO2 emissions will not make more water vapour available for subsequent cloud formation to increase albedo?
It is relative humidity not absolute humidity that governs cloud formation.
In this case, warming may be causing cloud formation due to increased evaporation from warmer oceans.
According to the hypothesis, then, less cosmic radiation would mean less cloud formation and, ultimately, warmer temperatures — precisely what was observed during the 20th century.
Probably more importantly, increased cloud formation also means increased convection.
Play the cloud shape game with your children and see who can find the most fascinating cloud formation.
The winds change speed dramatically, leading to huge cloud formations building up then dying away.
Although full explanations are not yet available, planetary scientists are sure to continue to study this most unusual cloud formation for quite some time.
Here's a quick little clip showing the acrylic cloud formations of one of my recent paintings.
Assuming the link between cosmic rays and cloud formation hold true, one can imagine engaging in planetary climate control.
Using several satellite data sources, they identified cloud formation mechanisms that occur in two distinct conditions.
Another hypothesis as to what could be causing periodic rapid changes to the planet's climate is that there are periodic solar events which affect cloud formation.
This is something at a small scale that affects large - scale atmospheric processes, such as cloud formation and radiative balance.
Despite these results, some researchers remain skeptical that microbes could be important for cloud formation.
The cosmic rays, in turn, affect low cloud formation — more rays, more clouds, fewer rays, fewer clouds.
Some are very tricky — like cloud formation — so the big models can not get them all calculated right.
The other possibility is that longer - term variations in solar wind could be responsible for changes in cloud formation triggered by cosmic rays.
The increased low cloud formation from water evaporation reflects sunlight cooling the atmosphere.
Following the major eruption of Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano, researchers have shown how sulfur aerosols emitted into the atmosphere impact cloud formation by creating creating smaller water droplets that reflect more light.
The theory goes that the solar magnetic field deflects GCRs, which are capable of seeding cloud formation on Earth.
Black carbon aerosols from forest fires, for example, tend to suppress cloud formation by warming the air and making tiny water droplets evaporate.
Ice, wind, cold temperatures and ocean waters combined to created dramatic cloud formations over the Bering Sea in late January, 2015.
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