Sentences with phrase «clubs baby seals»

But whatever, the food's good, so as long as they're not clubbing baby seals, I'm happy to eat there.
Why not have PETA ask what MLK thought of clubbing baby seals?
You Said ---- Moral relativity doesn't work because if it did then I could, say, club a baby seal and as long as I can justify by my moral position then you could not say anything was wrong.
Moral relativity doesn't work because if it did then I could, say, club a baby seal and as long as I can justify by my moral position then you could not say anything was wrong.
In the meantime lets talk about late term abortion, HIV education, sale of automatic weapons and clubbing baby seals (we don't do that but Canada does and they're practically upstairs from us in NY) All these issues have SO much to do with the Comptrollers office.

Not exact matches

This morning's video - of - the - day Chicken's Fate is Sealed documents the meat industry's attempts to lower the arachidonic acid level in chicken muscles through genetic manipulation and the egg industry's attempts to lower arachidonic acid levels in hens by feeding hens blubber from baby harp seal pups clubbed to death in the Canadian seal hunt.
Scams abound in the writing world but self - publishing is like a field full of helpless lambs and baby seals for the clubbing for these cons.
In any case, as one editorial noted, this may be the «clubbing the baby - seal moment» for the Alberta tar sands.
And they most certainly did not forecast, and would have been aghast had they done so, the CAGW scam, the Y2K - make - a-buck scare, the new - ice - age - scare, Al Gore's weight problem, the unbelievably vast sums to be made off of eco-appeals featuring heart - wrenching pictures of adorably cute and cuddly - looking baby harp - seals about to be clubbed to death for their fur, Ditto for photo - shopped pictures of forlorn looking polar bears adrift on ice - floes, universities stuffed with tenured climate science parasites, the improbable appearance of the NGO, watermelon life - form, and the like.
I was arrested and hauled off to jail, the seal was clubbed and skinned, but a photo of me being arrested while sitting on the baby seal appeared in more than 3000 newspapers around the world the next morning.
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