Sentences with phrase «coal and nuclear plants»

Only a day after NETL's report was released, the utility FirstEnergy submitted a request to DOE for emergency financial assistance to rescue its uneconomic coal and nuclear plants and heavily cited the NETL report.
One has to wonder whether this deeply flawed and misleading study is part of the administration's continued attempts to prop up the coal industry at all costs, especially after FERC rejected the DOE's fact - free proposal to bail out coal and nuclear plants late last year.
But the Pleasant Prairie closing also highlights the issue of stranded costs, a dilemma increasingly arising when coal and nuclear plants close down before expected because of rapid changes in energy markets and technology.
Before ISO - NE's filing on May 1, the Department of Energy had made onsite fuel supplies the center of its bailout proposal for coal and nuclear plants, which FERC unanimously rejected in early January.
This proposal would reward coal and nuclear plants in competitive markets that store fuel on site, with the rationale being that these fuel sources are more fuel secure.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, permitting requirements, green energy subsidies and mandates, and of course low - priced natural gas have contributed to coal and nuclear plants being closed down.
The fabulous David Roberts over at Vox reports that even utility CEOs are now predicting that it will be cheaper to build new wind and solar than to keep running the old coal and nuclear plants that have already been built.
«Most independent studies show that low natural gas prices are overwhelmingly responsible for the market challenges facing coal and nuclear plants,» added Tom Kiernan, chief executive of the American Wind Energy Association.
While utilities in Ohio, New York and elsewhere have sought «around market» charges after affiliated coal and nuclear plants became less competitive, Germany's large utilities are charting new paths forward as that country curbs its reliance on fossil fuels.
The Trump Administration's proposed subsidy to coal and nuclear plants (the so - called NOPR) continues to roil the energy world.
Coal and nuclear plants have their fuel «stored» on site, but this is much more difficult for natural gas plants.
McBride, J. P., et al, «Radiological Impact of Airborne Effluents of Coal and Nuclear Plants,» Science, Dec. 1978.
Under that proposal, customers would have directly assumed all of the financial risk of financially struggling coal and nuclear plants owned by FirstEnergy Corp.'s unrelated competition generation business.
As the Trump Administration continues to dig up legal maneuvers in an attempt to keep failing coal and nuclear plants online, cities across the United States are increasingly committing to source 100 % of their electricity from renewables.
As first proposed two years ago, FirstEnergy's case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio asked for a different charge altogether to make utility customers guarantee electricity sales by its unregulated generation affiliate from certain coal and nuclear plants.
The PUCO has missed yet another opportunity to focus the company on real efforts to modernize our electric grid and invest in new, clean energy technologies and instead has forced customers to pay up for unwise investments in outdated coal and nuclear plants,» said Dan Sawmiller, Senior Campaign Representative for Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign.
Primarily aimed at struggling coal and nuclear plants, support for the rule could see a boost if the nation's power grid is tested.
By contrast, natural gas plants take about 200 gal / MWh, and coal and nuclear plants take 500 to 800 gallons of water / MWh.
Shut down the coal and nuclear plants (except those near the elite's locations) and have rolling blackouts everywhere else.
The subsidies, the lion's share of which went to existing gas, coal and nuclear plants, will cost a typical household # 14 on their energy bill in 2020.
Coal and nuclear plants and natural gas plants have not been required to make power without using water, nor have they had to undergo environmental reviews challenging their water use.
It writes that baseload coal and nuclear plants are «able to operate in all types of weather,» ignoring the weather events that have frozen on - site coal piles or forced nuclear plants offline.
The idea is to prop up outdated and uneconomic coal and nuclear plants — even if better, cheaper, and cleaner alternatives exist — and pass the costs on to ratepayers.
Old coal and nuclear plants are closing due to age and tightening air pollution rules.
In our scenario guaranteeing profits to both coal and nuclear plants for 25 years, the amount of power generated by natural gas declines due to more coal and nuclear generation.
Until researchers can find a way to store energy at a large scale, coal and nuclear plants — which can't simply be switched on and off at will — must be kept running to guarantee a steady stream of electricity when the sun isn't shining.
Expensive as it can be because we will be paying the full freight on coal and nuclear plants
Beyond coal and nuclear plants, gas generators that can also burn diesel are likely to stockpile that fuel to meet the 90 - day requirement, Kavulla said.
Perry has filed a proposed rulemaking that asks the federal regulators (two of which are Trump appointees, with an additional two more pending Senate approval) to approve of the rule in order to allow power market operators to establish a new tariff for power plants that have a 90 - day fuel supply on site — a naked nod to coal and nuclear plants.
Free enterprise was going to have to build some sort of power generation anyway, old coal and nuclear plants do wear out and require replacement.
In the second of two posts, we examine recent efforts to gain federal support to maintain financially stressed coal and nuclear plants.
This post is the first in a series of two examining recent efforts to gain federal support to maintain financially stressed coal and nuclear plants.
Va., in April asked the agency to use its authority under the 1950s wartime law to keep retiring coal and nuclear plants online.
Some of that havoc is high - profile and headline - making, as in the recent requests from utilities (and attempts by the Trump administration) to bail out large coal and nuclear plants.
Those higher prices could keep noncompetitive coal and nuclear plants in the market longer than they would otherwise stay, said attorney Jennifer Chen at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
FirstEnergy asked the Department of Energy for an emergency order to protect all coal and nuclear plants in the PJM territory just before its generation subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy.
Basically, grid operators would have to prove why they shouldn't keep noncompetitive coal and nuclear plants online.
THE HEART OF THE STORY (AMERICA CAN BECOME ENERGY INDEPENDENT) Most of our coal and nuclear plants are old.
Comments from the FERC's newly minted quorum indicate that Perry's proposal to compensate coal and nuclear plants for stockpiling 90 days of fuel won't glide through the commission.
However, PJM referred to that general plan last fall in its comments on Perry's proposal to guarantee sales and profits for all coal and nuclear plants with fuel storage on site.
Grid operator PJM has already suggested two ideas that could help failing coal and nuclear plants.
wants to change how it sets energy and capacity prices in ways that could bolster uneconomic coal and nuclear plants.
The organization's filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission claims that coal and nuclear plants provide economic opportunities for the community and notes that FirstEnergy gives about $ 25,000 annually to the group.
Coal and nuclear plants have faced stronger competition in the last five years, primarily from natural gas and, to a much smaller extent, from renewables.
The proposed rule from the Department of Energy calls on FERC to revise its pricing rules to guarantee recovery of costs and profits for various coal and nuclear plants with on - site fuel storage.
FirstEnergy's request for an emergency order isn't the only play to bolster coal and nuclear plants at customers» expense.
Proposed changes to PJM's energy pricing system could reward coal and nuclear plants in Ohio and elsewhere in the region while making consumers pay more, claim critics.
But large coal and nuclear plants generally can't do that.
PJM vice president Stu Bresler said the plan described in the grid operator's November 15 report was in the works well before the Department of Energy proposed rules to guarantee cost recovery for coal and nuclear plants in the PJM region and certain other competitive markets.
PJM's other proposal would let large coal and nuclear plants bid into the auctions that determine each area's «locational marginal price.»
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