Sentences with phrase «coal investment when»

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When both rules are fully enforced, Bernstein Research estimates that 15 % of coal - fired power plants will be forced to close — unable to meet new safety standards — or will require substantial new investment to remain viable.
Then, when policies are finally introduced, we have to phase out coal even more quickly and more investments go to waste,» he says.
When producers of commodities like coal or steel see a higher interest rate, they will typically produce more because it is an incentive for them to have a larger return on their investments.
Given that a coal - fired electricity generation plant produces about 1 ton of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour, Borenstein estimated that the price of greenhouse gas reductions would have to range from about $ 150 to $ 500 per ton of greenhouse gases to make the current solar PV technology a worthwhile investment when greenhouse gas reductions are considered.
President Obama was right when he campaigned on the idea that the country has to abandon its «shock to trance» approach to energy policy and investment if it ever hopes to cut the addiction to oil pointed out by his predecessor, not to mention the persistent allure of coal («clean» or otherwise).
Even while they are running adds criticizing governor Sebelius's decision, Peabody Energy is already incorporating a shadow price of carbon into their financial calculations when deciding if investments in new coal - fired power plants are viable.
When your friendly CC scientist informs you that your are scheduled to freeze to death in your home for the crime of the greed perpetrated by your ancestors, take solace in the likelihood that the moderately paid overworked burgeoning middle class worker in the developing economies couldn't care a rat's because he's too busy raising a family and renovating his 2nd investment residence from wood heating into coal stove retro.
As a recent report by the Carbon Tracker Initiative highlights, grid costs become prohibitive for coal in rural areas when the investment needed to build a thermal power plant is combined with the cost of building electricity grid extensions and importing fuel.
This week the University of Dayton made news when it announced that «it will begin divesting coal and fossil fuels from its $ 670 million investment pool.»
Since the early 1990s, when the coal mining sector was reopened for foreign investment, Indonesia witnessed a robust increase in coal production, coal exports and domestic sales of coal.
The report pulls no punches when it comes to coal, including a call for a global coal phaseout involving an immediate end to investments in new unabated coal - fired power plants globally and the retirement of existing unabated coal - fired power plants in high income countries.
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