Sentences with phrase «coastal defences»

The study, led by Dr Alison Raby, Associate Professor in the School of Marine Science and Engineering at Plymouth University, includes a full analysis of Japan's history of coastal defence design and measures taken since 2011.
Richer populations are assumed to be more likely to invest in coastal defences and some coastal communities will be less at risk than others, yet the cost of what Dr Hauer calls «adaptive infrastructure» in the US could reach $ 1 trillion.
The National Rivers Authority wants to excavate material from the sand bar — called Race Bank — and use it to strengthen coastal defences on the Lincolnshire coast.
Preventing them will, in part, involve investigating exactly how tides overcome coastal defences, and how we can protect coasts from worsening erosion.
Brooke included a «counsel's opinion'that the Water Act of 1989, which established the NRA, requires the authority to consider the option of retreat and the environmental benefits that might follow, whenever it assesses the cost of coastal defence projects.
Sediment is the key to managed retreat and all forms of soft coastal defence.
Other types of soft engineering for coastal defence include efforts to regenerate beaches.
How well Britain's coastal defences keep floods and erosion at bay is largely unknown, according to a critical report published this week.
The National Audit Office's report on British coastal defences last year highlighted breaches of Hurst Spit in Hampshire, which «are due mainly to the construction of concrete sea walls and groynes further to the west in Christchurch Bay, which interrupted the natural drift of replenishing material».
One is geomorphological: erosion provides the sediment that builds up the natural coastal defences of other areas of coastline, by forming marshes or beaches, shingle bars or mud flats.
Heavier rainfall plus sea level rise — which make storm surges bigger and more likely to breach coastal defences — has scientists warning of a greater flood risk in the UK as the climate warms.
The island's interesting past has included hoop pine logging, a quarantine station for the port of Townsville, early tourism in the 19th century, pineapple farming and coastal defences during World War II.
Gawler said that New York's plans to bolster coastal defences after superstorm Sandy in 2012 would make it a valuable partner for a developing nation city.
These waves increase the storm surge problem by damaging coastal defences.
«Flood hazard may increase, because of sea - level rise, leading to lowered protection levels from coastal defences and potentially higher inundation levels,» said Bouwer.
Uncertainty exists because analysing coastal defences and other factors is essentially a national concern, but the computing of all national figures together gives us a greatly improved «feel» of how events could occur.
The National Audit Office, which keeps tabs on how the government spends taxpayers» money, says measures to gauge the performance of coastal defences are urgently needed.
Since then, new engineering guidelines have been drawn up transforming Japan's coastal defences, and devising new ways to keep its coastlines safe in the future.
«There is no information available nationally to assess the performance or adequacy of coastal defences,» says the report.
Meanwhile, the agriculture minister John Gummer, fresh from refusing compensation to the Liddells for the loss of their home, has promised a «national strategy statement for flood and coastal defence» which will seek to «work with, rather than against, the forces of nature».
That year, the National Rivers Authority (NRA), the nation's biggest builder of coastal defences, told the National Audit Office, which reports to Parliament on the efficiency of public bodies, that one - sixth of its sea walls, embankments and groynes had a «residual life» of less than five years.
But even without a collapse of the ice on Antarctica, vulnerable countries should prepare contingency plans in their coastal defence for the «worst - case - scenario».
«They have tremendous potential as an environmentally sensitive solution to coastal defence,» he says, but admits that «some residents don't like these rock islands spoiling their view».
Day - to - day operation of coastal defences is the responsibility of the National Rivers Authority and individual local councils.
The MAFF, horrified at the potential bills for rebuilding sea defences and under pressure from the Treasury to impose cost - benefit rules for expenditure on coastal defences, is increasingly enthusiastic about managed retreat.
The report aims most of its criticism at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which has overall responsibility for coastal defences.
More than 500 million people worldwide depend on reefs for food, jobs and coastal defence.
Practical adaptation options (e.g. strengthening buildings and coastal defences, expanding areas of coastal vegetation) and supporting international policies (e.g. cooperative efforts to regulate fisheries, managing shared river systems to avoid erosion) can minimize the risks and maximize the opportunities.
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