Sentences with phrase «coastal nations»

Eritrea, an East African coastal nation of 4.6 million, will be denied commercial export of defense articles and services, as well as technical data and services, under the terms of a 1976 federal law.
They don't want the number of oil tankers in the Burrard inlet to go up sevenfold and they are backing the legal challenges coming from three of the B.C. coastal nations.
An influx of mapping grants from Arctic coastal nations has spurred an all - out assault on these data black holes, unprecedented in its scale and speed.
(Irony alert: much of the global warming that imperils low - lying island nations and coastal nations like Bangladesh is a due to CO2 emissions from... coal - fired power plants.)
These low - lying coastal nations face similar challenges in that they have small populations, limited resources, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, and excessive dependence on the international community for trade.
Lay of the Land: Another west - African coastal nation, Sierra Leone boasts diverse terrain, from high plateau to forested lowland plains and mangrove swamps.
Roughly 30 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas lurk beneath the melting ice of the Arctic Ocean, and the coastal nations are eager to start drawing lines on the ocean floor.
One mitigating factor for some coastal nations that are still developing, such as Belize and Indonesia, is that they generally have committed fewer resources to the coastline than their developed counterparts — Australia, for example, or the United States, with such vulnerable cities as Galveston and Miami.
And every coastal nation has exclusive economic rights in the zone extending 200 miles off its shores, meaning that all the gas, oil, fish, and other resources are under its control.
But now that global warming is eliminating ice and changing coastlines, the five coastal nations are eager to start drawing lines on the seafloor.
The coastal nation has a fog of death engulfing its driving population and it inspired Bangkok - based interactive and graphic designer Witaya Junma to create the equally powerful and horrifying Thai Road Safety Culture (Thai RSC).
DIVA is a global model to estimate impacts of sea level rise on all coastal nations as well as the costs and benefits of possible adaptation measures.
Roughly 30 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas lurk beneath the melting ice of the Arctic Ocean, and the coastal nations are eager to start drawing lines on the ocean floor.
Latin America: The report states: Rising sea levels will threaten all coastal nations.
In total, 187 coastal nations were assessed in this study.
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