Sentences with phrase «coasterish shapeliness»

«They share forms of passion and obsession, careful observation, desire to find shapeliness, and beauty to understand our world.»
You require a low body fat percentage and the right muscles for shapeliness.
Two, the firmness and shapeliness of a well - developed butt are due to having muscle in the area, which means you need to blast your glutes with high intensity!
They're stretchy and roomy, but they're not a control top tight, so they're not going to give you the shapeliness and streamlined quality of a control top tight.
It's closed with a single button to help give me some desirable shapeliness.
I love the way a pencil skirt adds shapeliness and a bit of retro glam and have several in my wardrobe.
Though carefully rendered from a historical perspective, this powerful account of female friendship and bonding under the most cruel conditions lacks the narrative focus and dramatic shapeliness to generate emotional excitement.
But if you prefer your WWII movies to have a little dialogue, some shapeliness and (is it too much to ask?)
Gone is the shapeliness.
The Shetland Sheepdog Breed Standard says Shelties should sport an abundant coat, mane and frill, with shapeliness of the head and sweetness of expression.
Small scale paintings will dominate the show, and will address both the curvilinear shapeliness of waves, brightly imagined, and fastidiously executed, as well as the way articles (things) turn up in still life and landscape, with their own wavy, unpredictable grace.
The bulbousness of the sack is the shapeliness of the matriarchal being, scrotal sack - like, «Virgin of Villendorf» - like.
The mood of this bruising sculpture by Frank Stella is one of explosive visual excess, from its bucking, roller - coasterish shapeliness to its blaring, fruity tones.
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