Sentences with phrase «cobwebs hanging»

The dining room overlooked the lake, but the windows were quite dirty and there were a number of old cobwebs hanging about.
Roaches crawled over all surfaces and countless cobwebs hung from the ceiling.

Not exact matches

It reminds me of a poem that my mom had hanging in our house and I've always been so fond of it - Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep I'm rocking my baby And babies don't keep.
Picture distant blue stars brighter than the full moon at night, shining through the spidery veins of dust and gas that hang through the nebula like cobwebs.
Cobwebs were hanging in corners, the linoleum flooring was coming apart, and the list could go on.
Crepe paper streamers, fake cobwebs, glow sticks, plastic spiders and cardboard wall hangings can easily be chewed and swallowed, damaging your pet's digestive tract.
Use cotton batting to make authentic looking cobwebs around the house and hang from doors and staircases.
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