Sentences with phrase «cock crow»

Leaving there and proceeding for three days toward the east, you reach Diomira, a city with sixty silver domes, bronze statues of all the gods, streets paved with lead, a crystal theater, a golden cock that crows each morning on a tower
(A cock crows the moment Rodrigues tramples the fumie.)
So when in Matthew and the other gospels, Jesus says, «before the cock crow,» He could very well mean that before the time in the morning when the usual cockcrowing takes place, Peter will have made three denials.
In Matthew, Luke, and John, Jesus seems to be telling Peter that before the cock (rooster) crows once the next morning, Peter will deny Him three times, but in Mark, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Him before the cock crows twice.
All three say that Peter, hearing the cock crow, remembered what Jesus had told him and wept.
«Even though they all fall away, I will not,» he declared; but Jesus said to him, «Truly, I say to you, this very night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.»
After the cock crowed, Peter realized what he had done, and went into mourning.
Peter wept bitterly after the cock crowed 3 times and remembered what Jesus said, not after Jesus died.
(As an example of the kind of interesting you can discover if you turn to the commentaries, note that «cock crow» is the name of the Roman trumpet call announcing beginning of the fourth watch at 3:00 A.M.)
Only Luke in his description of the Passion tells how the Lord turns to look at Simon immediately the cock crows.
Following the release of the film, the debate stirred up by the book was reignited, fueled by competing clues: For example, in both the book and the film, Ferreira's appeals to Rodrigues to apostatize are rhetorically persuasive, but when Rodrigues actually steps on Christ's face, a cock crows.
On the one hand, his dramatization of Ferreira's and Rodrigues's mutual revulsion is a vivid evocation of the anti-community of hell, but on the other hand, nowhere (except when that cock crows!)
But Jesus smiled and said that the next morning before the cock crows Peter would have denied him three times.
When the cock crows the third time for Peter, it crows for us, to state the truth that when we become part of a mob, we too will likely be the last to know.
Not a cock crowed.
And with Spritz working on its new proprietary speed - reading app that may get you up to 500 words per minute or higher (I confess, as an «industry reader,» I'm intrigued), you might start seeing a morsel of Tolstoy from Lee and Love as pretty spacious stuff when it lands on your iPhone as the cock crows.
«Then the cock crew for a second time and Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him «Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times.»
What seems to cause fury from the Eco-Wallys (yes Fanny Alexander, George Monbiot, Leo Hickman, Jonathon Porrit, Emily Apple, Jean Lambert, Caroline Lucus I am looking at you) is the fact that sceptics (note I use that word, rather than deniers) wont recant the devil three times before the cock crows.
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