Sentences with phrase «cockney working»

Not exact matches

My second language at the time was Cockney, and the sort of people I used to work with were keen on trying not to pay any tax.
Carol has been working as a vocal coach, getting called in to help Eva Longoria master a Cockney accent in postproduction when she's not building an archive with recordings of unusual dialects that catch her ear.
In approximately eight weeks we see the chalet girl in question, a character named Kim Matthews transform from a working class CHAV Cockney being at the beck and call of some snooty banking family to a snowboarding champion getting the bloke in the process.
This is how we are introduced to Bell's character, she receives a phone call asking if she could work with Eva Longoria to develop her cockney accent — the auditorium is in fits of laughter as we hear Longoria trying to pronounce «slapper», just a few seconds into the film.
Woody Allen's latest film Following Match Point and Scoop, Woody Allen's third culturally clueless «London» - set outing sees a pair of working - class brothers — chronic gambler Colin Farrell (the film's one saving grace) and aspiring wide boy Ewan McGregor (sporting a cockney accent he's bought cheap off Del Boy)-- confronted with a solidly gripping moral -LSB-...]
Sorry for being a piece of work (is that Cockney Rhyming slang for Jerk?)
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