Sentences with phrase «cocoa bean shells»

Your dog may not immediately present with obvious life - threatening signs even after ingesting large amounts of cocoa bean shell mulch.
Be aware that «Cocoa Mulch», which consists mainly of cocoa bean shells, is potentially dangerous to your pets.
So seek veterinary attention immediately, irregardless of lack of symptoms, if you suspect your dog has ingested cocoa bean shell mulch.
According to the ASPCA Poison Control Center, «Dogs who consume enough cocoa bean shell mulch could potentially develop signs similar to that of chocolate poisoning, including vomiting and diarrhea.
They discovered the mulch was made of cocoa bean shells, the leftovers from the manufacture of chocolate.
In small amounts, cocoa bean shell mulch consumption can cause signs similar to that of chocolate poisoning, including vomiting and diarrhea.
The cocoa bean shells contain theobromine, a substance similar to caffeine that is not easily metabolized by animals.
Fence off forbidden areas like water gardens or landscaping that contains poisonous plants * or cocoa bean shell mulch which is potentially deadly to dogs.
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