Sentences with word «cocount»

I only used half the amount of dried cocount milk and replaced the volume with equal parts flour and confectioners sugar.
I used Sesame Oil instead of Olive Oil because I am a Vata (Ayurvedic Dosha) and prefer the combination of Cocount and Sesame oil — anyway the finished product was «perfect».
I usedleftover tropical cheesecake, and dipped them into cocount flakes — 3 werea good amount for a serving.
We are actually introducing a new Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Premium Cocount Oil which does not solidify at normal temperature.
There is no rancid smell just a nice faint Cocount smell and you can consume it in liquid form direct from the bottle.
cocount oil, full - fat coconut milk, creamy coconut butter, matcha, ground Ceylon cinnamon, vanilla extract, finely shredded unsweetened coconut, Himalayan salt
, and now the Cocount Sugar... ooooo, I can't wait to try it!
One question, have you used the cocount flour from Bob's Red Mill.
The cocount flavor was mild and they had the perfect amount of sweetness.
I read your blog with great interest on the Cocount oil.
And during these longer fasts is pure fat ok to consume (cocount oil or butter in coffee for example)?
I've been using tea tree oil that I added to my homemade lotion (olive oil, cocount oIL and bees wax).
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