Sentences with phrase «code violations such»

Identified property maintenance code violations such as deteriorated property, unsafe conditions and overcrowding.
According to the CDC, a 2010 study found that one in eight public pools were closed after inspections found «serious code violations such as improper chlorine levels.»
Clement: Landlords use harassment and neglected repairs as tactics to force tenants to leave their homes, and 1.2 million New Yorkers live in «deficient housing,» with three or more open code violations such as mold, rat infestations, lead paint, etc..

Not exact matches

«We spend a lot of our marketing dollars on safety and operational education, such as training chain restaurant groups on best practices when using eggs, and we show how using a pasteurized shell egg helps to improve efficiencies while ensuring they avoid violations of food codes,» he explains.
More difficult to accept were disruptions such as four players» involvement in the Academy - wide honor - code violations of 1976 and a written ultimatum to Smith from the top brass that required seven victories in 1977, including one over Navy, for him to keep his job.
The information on does not mention that breastfeeding is unequivocally the healthiest way to feed infants, and as such the website is a violation of the International Code.
to hold companies accountable at a global level, the UN should mandate WHO to create a body to monitor reports of Code violations or strengthen existing bodies such as IBFAN.
In an effort to avoid even the slightest appearance of impropriety, on April 25, 2016, the Park District informed the Library District that we deemed any contract, intergovernmental agreement or joint position statement with the Library District prior to referendum as potential violations of the Illinois Election Code and as such could not agree to any at that time.
As such, we do not accept sponsorship or advertising from any manufacturer, organization or company that is deemed to be in violation of the World Health Organization's International Code on Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.
Companies claim such a marketing strategy is not a violation, though these toddler milks (and complementary foods) come within the scope of the Code if they are marketed as replacements for that part of a child's diet which is best fulfilled by breast milk.
The board voted 4 - 0 that Schopf, a Republican and an attorney who is an elected at - large representative for Clifton Park on the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors, is considered a town official under Clifton Park's ethics code and as such should not appear in town court representing clients cited for town code violations, or those who have received vehicle or traffic tickets.
The mayor also plans to increase city revenue through the enforcement of existing ordinances, such as housing code violations.
Of course, for the deterrent effect of potential denunciation by ones colleagues to work against such massive violations of the scientists code of conduct, it is important that the denunciation should actually happen in those instances when, occasionally, the deterrent fails.
provisions regarding conduct, dress and language deemed appropriate and acceptable on school property and at school functions, and conduct, dress and language deemed unacceptable and inappropriate on school property and at school functions and provisions regarding acceptable civil and respectful treatment of teachers, school administrators, other school personnel, students and visitors on school property and at school functions, including the appropriate range of disciplinary measures which may be imposed for violation of such code, and the roles of teachers, administrators, other school personnel, the board of education and parents or persons in parental relation;
a discipline code for student behavior setting forth prohibited student conduct and the range of penalties which may be imposed for violation of such code, which shall be publicized and explained to all students and provided in writing to all parents on an annual basis.
As other studies demonstrate, the vast majority of suspensions are for minor infractions of school rules, such as disrupting class, tardiness, and dress code violations, rather than for serious violent or criminal behavior.
Such a statement is a lie, a violation of the parent's civil rights and violates the Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibility that school administrators MUST follow in order to maintain their state certification.
Success Academy's code of misconduct is six pages long with 65 infractions ranging from minor or Level 1 violations such as slouching or failing to be in «Ready to Succeed» position, to middle or Level 2 misconduct like forgetting to bring a pencil or pen to school, to more serious Level 3 infractions like play fighting or repeated littering.
In California, only those convicted of a Harbors and Navigation Code moving violation while operating a boat must take such a course.
(c) A person who violates any provision of this section shall be punishable as provided in section 103 - 3 of this Code; provided, however, a fine imposed for the first such violation shall not be less than twenty - five dollars ($ 25.00); subsequent or continued violations caretaker's removal from management of the managed colony, or the designee's removal from the program.
Compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations and local ordinances applicable to companion animal breeders and dealers as defined by such laws; building, zoning, environmental and health & safety codes, and a requirement that any violation of such laws, regulations or ordinances shall constitute a nuisance.
The Cooper Union requires Personnel to report to The Cooper Union good - faith concerns about behavior that appears to violate this Code, and under this Code a «Whistleblower» is the individual reporting such activity.The Cooper Union strictly prohibits any harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequences against any Whistleblower who, in good faith, reports a violation or suspected violation of this Code, and any person who retaliates against a Whistleblower is subject to appropriate disciplinary and corrective action, up to and including termination of employment in the case of an employee.
The Cooper Union requires Personnel to report to The Cooper Union good - faith concerns about behavior that appears to violate this Code, and under this Code a «Whistleblower» is the individual reporting such activity.The Cooper Union strictly prohibits any harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequences against any Whistleblower who, in good faith, reports a violation or suspected violation of this Code, and any person who retaliates against a Whistleblower is subject to appropriate disciplinary and corrective action, up to and including termination of employment in the case of an employee.
Such a practice, if generally applied, would be a flagrant violation of the Australian Code of Conduct and would surely have come to light before now.
Such breach of trust may well be a violation of s. 122 of the Criminal Code, «breach of trust by a public officer.»
In this regard, we must distinguish between dealing with unfairness that must be addressed (such as exploitative articles and Human Rights Code violations for example) and throwing babies out with bathwater in well - motivated attempts to ensure that everyone is treated in exactly the same way.
The Ontario Human Rights Commission has stated its view of the law, arguing that such a request is a violation of the Human Rights Code.
The UAE Civil Code expands on this position and provides that any person who suffers unlawful violation of their rights shall have the right for such violation to cease and to claim damages for any harm suffered.
Alternatively, employers may react inappropriately to suspicious absences, which could lead to exposures to liability, such as in cases where the absence is related to illness and the employee alleges that the employer's reaction is in violation of the Human Rights Code.
As pointed out above (see para. 132) such violations were punishable under the Criminal Code of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the law implementing the two Additional Protocols of 1977.
In addition to the danger of criticism on social media and in the media, employers should be aware that such job postings could lead to violations of the Ontario Human Rights Code (the «Code»).
VANDU and Pivot Legal Society (the Complainants) argued at the BC Human Rights Tribunal that such «removals» were a violation of theHuman Rights Code because the DVBIA's program specifically targeted people who are or appear to be homeless, a population that is disproportionately comprised of people with disabilities and people of Aboriginal ancestry.
The Ontario Human Rights Code specifically permits a plaintiff in a civil action (such as a wrongful dismissal case) to attach a claim for a violation of the Human Rights Code.
«Labor Code statutes regulating meal and rest breaks, pay stubs, and minimum wages provide express statutory remedies, including penalties for violation of those statutes that are punitive in nature, that are available when an employer has violated those provisions, and are exclusive remedy available for such statutory violations absent evidence that statutory remedy is inadequate.»
Such discrimination will not be in violation of the Code if the employer can prove that the prohibited ground for discrimination is a genuine occupational requirement, and that failure to meet such a requirement can not be reasonably accommodaSuch discrimination will not be in violation of the Code if the employer can prove that the prohibited ground for discrimination is a genuine occupational requirement, and that failure to meet such a requirement can not be reasonably accommodasuch a requirement can not be reasonably accommodated.
If your slip or fall was the result of extreme negligence, such as a landlord who has many code violations, you can also sue for punitive damages.
The reasoning of the Tribunal in Delargie appears to be — the individual respondent is alleged to have engaged in actions that on their own may be a violation of the Code; however there is an organization with the financial capacity to assume liability for the employee's actions, such that we should remove the individual who may have engaged in discriminatory conduct.
Details pertaining to the citation issued such as vehicle code violations, date, time of court appearance, bail and fine amounts, and eligibility for attending traffic school can be obtained either by calling (559) 584-0362 or visiting one of the court locations at Hanford, Avenal, or Corcoran.
To know in detail about your citation, such as the date, time, and place of attending the court hearing, bail charges, fines, and vehicle code violations, click here.
Although someone can have the same car and also have no violations on their driving record, some factors such as zip code and marital status may be the factor behind lower rates.
In California, only those convicted of a Harbors and Navigation Code moving violation while operating a boat must take such a course.
Approved Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Programs such as the one on this site are included in Section 106.115 of the Alcoholic Beverage Code for violations such as possession of alcohol by a minor (MIP), attempt to purchase alcohol by a minor, consumption of alcohol by a minor, etc..
Document in writing all incidents such as but not limited to student conduct code violations, serious medical calls, any violation of university policy or regulation involving students, employees and visitors, etc..
If professional ignorance of trauma - informed care leads to harm to the child and parent in their bonding following divorce, such as by preventing or delaying their bonding through inadequate assessment, inaccurate diagnosis, and ineffective treatment, then this would be a violation of Standard 3.04 of the APA ethics code.
«A Board rule requiring that Board Members attend, on at least a biennial basis, a continuing education program comprised of not more than six (6) cumulative hours of instruction with respect to Board or Member practices that might result in a significant legal vulnerability and possible liability to the Board and its Members, such as violations of anti-trust laws, agency laws, civil rights laws, the Code of Ethics of the National Association, or other similar public policies is not an inequitable limitation upon membership.»
VOWs are a Client Level Service and as such any registrant who issues password and logins to people, is in clear violation of REBBA and all 3 Code of Ethics, registrants as members of TREB must adhere to or lose membership rights.
With regard to alleged violations of the Code of Ethics, such allegations may be received and considered by the State Association and (1) dismissed as unworthy of further consideration, (2) heard by a Hearing Panel of the State Association's Professional Standards Committee, or (3) referred to another Board or regional enforcement facility.
If the complaint against the REALTOR ® principal is that, having properly submitted a dispute to arbitration, he has refused to abide by an award, such refusal should not be referred to the Grievance Committee as a violation of the Code of Ethics unless such refusal reflects an established pattern or practice of noncompliance with the commitment to arbitrate.
(b) The REALTOR ® principal joined in such complaint shall not be automatically found in violation of the Code of Ethics if the REALTOR ® nonprincipal or REALTOR - ASSOCIATE ® is judged in violation, but the finding should be based on the facts and merits of the case.
In general, if the violation is considered to be relatively minor, such as an advertising mistake that did not cause significant harm and was mainly due to a lack of knowledge of the Code, a fine of $ 500 or less may be imposed.
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