Sentences with phrase «coded nofollow»

Not exact matches

To prove how much I encourage you to put links to your blog, I turned off the «nofollow» code on my comments so that even the comments get indexed by Google and other search engines.
That is one of the points I was trying to make in"rel = «nofollow» > Are we asking the wrong people to comply with the International Code of Marketing of Breast - milk Substitutes?
On its Philadelphia Personal Injury Law Blog (coded as «nofollow» so that site doesn't get Google juice) FindLaw «s writer, Emily Grube, re-hashes the tragic accident of a nine - year old that was hit by a car while playing with its scooter.
(Link coded as «nofollow» to avoid giving Google juice).
I looked at the source code of some Findlaw directory pages, and I don't see «nofollow
Are you certain the Findlaw links are coded as «nofollow
note, FindLaw links coded as «nofollow» to avoid giving link juice.]
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