Sentences with phrase «codependent people»

I must say more: Take two very sensitive, codependent people.
Whereas a codependent person cedes identity and power to his or her partner and can hardly function independently, an interdependent person retains individual identity while also forging a partnership based on shared power.
Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict.

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And you have admitted many time that you did it for self - protection of you mind and spirit YOU -[So, more and more, we will see people extricate themselves from a codependent or toxic relationship for the sake of their own health.].
So, more and more, we will see people extricate themselves from a codependent or toxic relationship for the sake of their own health.
People who finance the addict are CODEPENDENT and are enabling the behavior.
Children who are codependent on their parents tend to become codependent on another person later in life.
If you start with a set of guidelines that set a standard for a healthy amount of time spent with the other person and engaging in other activities and soon find yourself breaking those guidelines and commitments, you might be laying the foundation for a codependent relationship.
«As someone who has always been in codependent relationships, this book opened up the idea that a healthy relationship can lead both partners to be independent as well as close and together by coming up with agreements that meet both people's needs by freeing up time for creativity.
She recalls her own recognition of a codependent marriage: «My fears of being alone, my deep longing for the love and attention outside of me, the fact that I had placed my power in another person making them the source of my love and happiness, all came into my awareness and there was no turning back.»
««Narcissists are codependent, too,» she says, «they often pair with people who sacrifice their needs and idealize them.»
Perhaps the most important question is whether two people locked in a codependent relationship can get to a point where their bond is functional?
There's evidence to suggest that people who grow up in unstable families where issues like addiction, abuse, traumatic experiences, and neglect are more likely to develop codependent characteristics.
There's consensus that a person is more likely to exhibit codependent behaviors if their familial background was dysfunctional.
Too much leaning on another person is not only draining on both parties, but it tends to encumber intimacy if one spouse is turned off by his wife's codependent tendencies.
This is a great book for people who think they might be codependent but do not know much about codependency in the first place.
Often, the partner of an addicted person exhibits codependent behaviors, such as enabling, justifying, or ignoring the addicted person's behaviors.
Instead of an addicted person thinking their partner is controlling, judgmental, or codependent, they see how the partner is desperate for closeness and connection.
Just as the alcoholic or addict is addicted to a substance, the codependent is addicted to some person, place or thing, such as the relationship with the alcoholic or addict.
by Deirdre Hally Shaffer, LCSW «Codependent relationships are a type of dysfunctional helping relationship where one person supports or enables another person's addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under - achievement.
This leads a person to do things from a selfish perspective, which is why the codependent seems so narcissistic.
When a person is in a codependent relationship with an addict or a compulsive person, they never know what to expect each day.
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