Sentences with phrase «codification of»

It is the codification of a discipline, the recognition of a diligent practice and the architecture of excellence.
He's optimistic that the law will pass, because «it's just a codification of reality,» and because, in the end, single licensure benefits the industry.
The issue of codification of Aboriginal Customary Law is discussed in detail in the accompanying submission by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.
Nonetheless, between the case law, the language in 16 - 911, and the reference in 16 - 914 (a-2), the codification of the standard for all custody orders is apparent, if not elegantly stated.
These provisions are no more than a codification of existing case law.
The problem is that there are good arguments for the proposition that the definition of native title in the NTA was never intended to be a complete codification of the common law, but rather refer back to common law principles: see the arguments outlined in the judgment of Justice Merkel Commonwealth of Australia v Yarmirr (1999) 168 ALR 426, p507 - 515.
By its own definition, the codification of customary laws is an oxymoron.
They received a whopping 1,113 comments, a number which includes many early childhood educators and advocates, including NAEYC Affiliates, all of who were mobilized and out in force to fight against the codification of a false dichotomy that separates «care» from «education,» reflecting an outdated understanding of the roles and expectations of the early childhood profession.
[W] e call for codification of the Hyde Amendment and its application across the government, including Obamacare.
The Government's primary argument is that, because the confirmation provisions are merely a codification of common law standards, the NTA does not perform any independent discriminatory operation.
In re Long, 381 N.W. 2d 350 (Wis. 1986); but before the present codification of Wisconsin Statues Annotated, Section 767.327.
The NTA provides a fairly comprehensive codification of what past government actions extinguish native title.145 It classifies various interests in the past, often distant past, as «previous exclusive possession acts» which deems them to have permanently extinguished native title.146 The NTA also provides that «previous non-exclusive possession acts» 147 will extinguish native title to the extent of any inconsistency.148 The NTA also validates acts of government that took place before the High Court's decision in Wik which may be invalid because of the existence of native title (generally, due to the Constitutional requirement that «just terms» be paid where property is acquired, 149 or the operation of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth).150 This aspect of the NTA has been repeatedly criticised by CERD.
ICD - 10 is a codification of medical findings outlined by the World Health Organization and required for HIPAA compliance.
The role of a medical billing manager is to oversee the entering, organization and codification of patient medical information in the computer systems.
The guide no longer provides an independent compilation or codification of professional practice.
When enacted in 1986, section 38.001 was considered to be a non-substantive codification of article 2226, its predecessor.
Codification of the law of evidence was meant to cure the problem that it exists as a, «proliferation of ostensible legal rules, refinements of rules, distinctions in the refinements, refinements and distinctions in the exceptions, and so forth ad infinitum» (Report on Evidence, p. 4).
However, codification of the law of evidence was attacked by the Report on the Law Of Evidence of the Ontario Law Reform Commission (the OLRC), published in June 1976.
There were articles on the experience with codification in the United States, and summarizing the arguments for and against similar codification of the law of evidence in Canada.
It would be devotion to a fault today, given the need for consolidation and codification of laws in compensation for their quickly growing volume, complexity, and dependence upon technology.
In practice, however, this is probably just the codification of the status quo for many courts and class counsel.
In their decision, a majority of judges found the act, passed in 1982, is «a complete codification of Canadian law» that grants states like Iran or Syria immunity from civil liability in Canada for acts of torture committed abroad.
This was partly a codification of prior rulings but also reflected a more legislative than case - by - case approach to rule - making.
Current UK insurance law stems in large part from the Marine Insurance Act 1906, itself a codification of earlier centuries» case law.
Quebec has a whole different codification of their laws.
Florida Administrative Code is the official codification of state regulations.
In Vereniging Milieudefensie Advocate General Jääskinen distinguished the Aarhus Convention from the WTO treaties as being «by its nature -LSB-...] a procedural instrument» (para 87), a codification of procedural rights in relation to the environment, and not based on reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements like the latter (para 88).
This approach to the codification of transnational law serve three specific purposes:
In this regard, the codification of a proper set of rules (or standards) on EU Administrative Law seems a worthy regulatory exercise.
The Village of Camp Douglas, Wisconsin has completed the codification of most of its ordinances with the assistance of Attorney John R. Orton.
The final report should be released soon, but in preparation you can read her consultation paper (with suggested draft language) on codification of when Ontario courts should assume jurisdiction on the LCO's website.
It is worth noting that Article 4a (1) FD EAW is basically a codification of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights («ECtHR»)(see e.g. Sejdovic v. Italy and Dilipak and Karakay v. Turkey).
According to Gilbert and Gubar, the female «angel» represents patriarchy's codification of ideal womanhood, which holds that «woman's power is not for rule, not for battle, and her intellect is not for invention or creation, but for «sweet orderings» of domesticity.»
Quite a lot of it is merely a codification of what you are already familiar with, and some of what is new is a relaxation, rather than a tightening up.
Illegal conduct could include statutory breach ranging from quasi-criminal to breach of codification of private rights and obligations.
It is hard to see how a mere (albeit meticulous) codification of the existing minimum standards of the ECHR could lead to an increase in mutual trust between the Member States.
Arguably, Article 7 (5) seems to suggest that the EU legislator is willing to do more than a (partial) codification of the ECtHR's case - law as it provides that the exercising of the right to remain silent and the right not to incriminate oneself shall not be used against the individual and it can not be considered to be evidence that they have committed the criminal offence at hand.
Some scholars consider the Lieber Code the first major codification of the law of war.
The Opinion here is especially noteworthy because it is the first time the Court had to interpret the last part of article 3 (2) TFEU which is commonly understood as a codification of the ERTA case - law on exclusive EU external competence.
Almost all provisions are indeed a mere codification of that case - law.
The legislator should have been more ambitious in order to ensure that the Procedural Rights Directives are more than a codification of ECHR minimum standards.
All in all, one may conclude that the proposal merely consists in a partial codification of the existing case - law of the ECtHR (and to a lesser extent, the CJEU).
The main characteristic of the civil law systems is not only the codification of laws, but also the methodological approach to the laws and statutes.
Pechstein examines a crucial topic in the field of external relations, the codification of the ERTA case law in the treaties («Die Kodifizierung der AETR - Rechtsprechung durch den Vertrag von Lissabon»).
Had she not heard of Aristotle's codification of the commonest logical fallacies in human discourse, including that which the medieval schoolmen would later describe as the argumentum ad populum, the headcount fallacy?
Although the concept of this methodology is documented to have existed in various forms, the codification of the methodology and certification was
Although the concept of this methodology is documented to have existed in various forms, the codification of the methodology and certification was developed in Germany in the early 1990s by Professors Bo Adamson of Sweden and Wolfgang Feist of Germany.
The theme of the violent enforcement of cultural conformity in these series — cutting, trimming, and stretching to fit, and the codification of human transgressions — is in constant conflict with the singular nature of the artist's desire for truth and escape from illusions.
Within her practice and research, photography operates as the guiding notion to investigate the muteness, the lack of innocence and the codification of photographs and how images mediate our experience when they are also mediated by other images.
In «On the Other Side of the Law», Khalili also makes cogent links and critiques of the relationship between global visuality in the art world and colonial systems of codification of nationality, class, race and gender.
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