Sentences with word «coequal»

Some Protestant leaders are striving to broaden the church's ministry to include the growing plurality of family forms — to include as coequals with the intact nuclear family all single - parent families, the divorced and remarried, blended families, childless couples, unmarried couples living together, and gay and lesbian couples with or without children.
Along with episodes from Jefferson's and Jackson's presidencies, they argue, it shows that the political branches within their domains should apply their own constitutional interpretations, as coequals of the judiciary (whose domain is discrete questions among particular parties).
You won't see them producing another canned speech about coequal branches of government or talking points about separation of powers.
Any valid exposition of humanism must begin here, for it is on the foundation of this principle and its corollaries — the humanocentric predicament and individuals as coequal centers of freedom / authority — that humanism establishes its methodological policies and builds its ethics and epistemology.
If God is trinity, the various relations with God we have outlined are themselves irreducible, rooted in permanent coequal dimensions of the divine nature.
The Chinese proposal requires study but seems consistent with the long - term shift to a more balanced world economy in which the U.S. plays a monetary role more coequal with Europe and Asia.
Not all divorced families can use coequal custody because it requires exacting cooperation between formerly married spouses and the parents typically must live close to each other.
Not all divorced families can use coequal custody because it requires exacting cooperation between formerly married spouses.
Rightly understood, man cleaves to his wife not because she is «flesh of his flesh,» nor because she is beautiful or because she loves him back, but because she is his chosen, willing, and coequal lifelong partner in self - conscious devotion to the work of perpetuation.
that individuality in creation is always the dynamic unity of a plurality of parts or members (pp. 40 - 46), hence that God too must be a dynamic unity in plurality, or in other words a Trinity, of coequal divine persons (p. 415).
Likewise, if SATAN had UNLIMITED supernatural powers, then he would be a SECOND COEQUAL GOD, which is not part of Christian theology.
If the branches of the federal government are truly coequal, if the President and Congress are not subordinated to the Court by the Constitution (except insofar as the Court might declare them to be), then the theme of «judicial restraint» that runs wistfully through your symposium is less an appeal for the impossible than a misconstrual of the problem.
As I understand the disagreement, the MX approach holds that Faith and Order (the cooperative search for unity) and Life and Work (the cooperative service of, e.g., justice) are coequal ends in themselves, for they issue from distinct paradigms.
It has more wisely made all the departments coequal and co-sovereign within themselves.
The study, published online this week in the open - access journal PeerJ, brings the long - banished name back into scientific respectability as a genus coequal with Apatosaurus.
Or perhaps forced to sort out which allegory is identifiable and purposeful at any given time: Aronofsky's ambitions here reveal a fairly coequal plunge into biblical prophecy (from Old Testament furor to New Testament evangelism), environmental metaphor, and, most explicitly, the labors of artistic creation.
Yet the book also shows how many of these photographs re-main photographic, as coequal pictures in their own right, upending the simpler notion of source material versus final product.
«We have coequal branches of government, and the Legislature is the policy branch of government.
Instead, it was coequal with communications, field / grassroots, finance, etc., and was in fact just as much a client of the technology folks as, say, the press team was.
He disputes the claims of nullifiers that the federal union was a compact between sovereign states, argues that the founders sought coordination between the branches of government rather than a stalemate between competitive, coequal centers of power, and offers a strict construction of the Second Amendment as an authorization for state militias rather than a charter for the private ownership of assault rifles by potential revolutionaries.
Insofar as realization of relation with God in one of the dimensions we have discussed excludes communion as a permanent, coequal dimension, it leads to something other than salvation, And, of course, so long as Christians insist on clinging to distinct identities, relations and communion, they will fail to realize the distinctive religious ends of other traditions.
That is, they have set aside the traditional understanding of God as a unique spiritual substance in which all three persons somehow share and have moved to a more contemporary understanding of God as an interpersonal process or a community of three coequal persons.1 In effect, they have abandoned the Aristotelian world view in which individual substance was the first category of being and have accepted (even for the doctrine of God) a process understanding of reality.
Here, representations of molted skin — a metaphor for obsolete Humanist values — giant flowers, and wall - mounted and freestanding sculptures create an eerily seductive vision of man, nature, and technology as coequal and mutually dependent.
What's more, as adapted by Juliette Towhidi («Calendar Girls») and directed by Daniel Percival, «Death Comes to Pemberley» is made of the same physical stuff as other casually sumptuous British costume dramas — coequal in every respect but the source to an adaptation of «Pride of Prejudice,» which one can easily imagine these perfectly cast players playing.
Unbelief is coequal with belief in the conversation.
My nature is essentially amoral; it is coequal with my power.
If the social needs of humans are coequal with their existence, then that existence itself is essentially to be with and for others.
On this reading, I have a «right» to pursue my own conception of happiness, and «the permanent and aggregate interests of the community» are coequal with the protection of this liberty right and the promotion of economic prosperity.
And in this Trinity none is before or after another; none is greater or less than another; but the whole three persons are coeternal with each other and coequal, so that in all things, as has been stated above, the Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity is to be worshiped.
He maintains that it simply stands for the power of the Court, as a coequal branch of government, to act on its own interpretation of the Constitution in deciding what it can and can not do.
Instead, it was an independent branch of the campaign, coequal with communications, field and finance, and was in fact as much a client of the technology folks as, say, the press department was.
The Senate is coequal with the House of Delegates, the lower chamber of the legislature, except that taxation bills must originate in the House, just like in the U.S. Congress.
«Todd was a coequal to Joe Percoco and Howard Glaser and absolutely seen as the governor's guy, even though he wasn't on the state payroll and officially part of the government.
«Still, Looking, Works 1969 - 2016» also reveals the ways many of his photographs remain images in their own right as coequals and upend the notion of source material versus final product.
At Black Mountain, Albers made a point of doing what the Bauhaus had failed to do, and treated male and female artists as «coequals more than... opposites.»
Of course within Haida culture, Raven and Eagle are lineages that are coequal and represent two halves of a whole.
But requiring that Congress, like the States, enact racial classifications only when doing so is necessary to further a «compelling interest» does not contravene any principle of appropriate respect for a coequal branch of the Government.
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