Sentences with phrase «coercive power by»

This opened the way to affirming the use of coercive power by humans as well.

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This power is driven by fear of consequences and of what the person with the coercive power can do to you if you disobey.
The one place where the exception is clearly visible is in the anonymous Letter to Diognetus from the mid-second century CE, where [45] God's use of persuasive and not coercive power is affirmed in regard to how God leads wayward humanity to salvation: The invisible God, the Ruler and Creator of all, sent «the Designer and Maker of the universe himself, by whom he created... like a king sending his son who is himself a king.
Gregory thought that this was an exemplary statement of the way to protest the abuse of coercive authority — not by overt, destructive, risk - laden rebellion, but by a symbolic demonstrative act revealing the vulnerable moral credibility of abused power.
God in his working, and in his ways of working, is persuasive not coercive power; he is that creative, dynamic, energizing love which was seen by men in the person of Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ's own working and ways of working.
I don't think there is any reason to want to restore the churches to political power, if by that one means coercive power.
And then there was a different form of poverty: the «spiritual poverty of our time»; that poverty is most evident in wealthier societies and manifests itself in what Benedict XVI often called the «dictatorship of relativism»» the worship of the false god of me, myself, and I, imposed by state power, often in the name of a misguided and coercive concept of tolerance.
And if and when force is used, let us not hallow it by thinking of God as essentially such coercive power.
In other words the same coercive conditions that existed in christendom until very recently and only changed by courageous opposition to the theocratic powers
If by power we intend to signify, as most often is intended, the use of coercive measures whether these be overt or subtle and hidden, then it would seem that to ascribe such a quality to God as His chief characteristic — as in fact, if not in word, is suggested when people talk as did my questioner — is a denial of the point of Christ's disclosure of God.
Likewise, it in no sense necessarily follows from the fact that God can not coerce in any sense that God thinks that coercive power ought never be used by those who can exert it.
This is why God sometimes approves of (lures us toward) coercion on the human level even though such coercive power would never be used by God even if it were available.
The final question, as to the Christian conscience and the coercive use of military power by one State upon another, we shall defer to the next chapter which will be devoted centrally to this issue.
Madden and Hare implicitly construe divine power to be coercive, limited by the exercise of other coercive powers in the world.
That God's control is in fact limited by the existence of evil would signify a limited coercive power, but it is compatible with unlimited persuasive power.
God works in the world by providing «initial aims» for each occasion or event or occurrence or «entity» (which was Whitehead's word); His «power» is in His persuasion, in His «lure» (which is also Whitehead's word), not in coercive force.
Third, the cosmos is kept in order more by lure and persuasion than by the exercise of sheer coercive power.
The persuasive power of conceptual innovation in the vibration of an elementary particle is not subject to morally responsible rejection by the particle and is therefore coercive in this second sense.
I find myself in fundamental agreement with Cobb that the really worthwhile power that God should exercise is persuasive, and I would meet the first criticism by saying that God should not use more coercive power than is apparently being exercised in the world.
«Negative liberty» accurately describes one important aspect of the political organization of freedom: the need to circumscribe and regulate coercive state power by law.
I have no problem with that agenda in a world in which coercion is necessary to control a fallen humanity, and in which the coercive powers of government are themselves wielded by fallen humans.
And this did a great deal to prepare the ministers for separation by training them in dependence upon persuasion unbacked by even a possibility of coercive power, and teaching them reliance upon political sagacity and the necessity for very down - to - earth political activity at least in ecclesiastical affairs.
But there was even an effort in that legislation that was being proposed by the government to ensure that we would see coercive powers used against workers rather than used against employers who were intentionally underpaying those workers or other workers in the labour market.
It must be right that those who exercise the coercive power of the state should be held to account by those whom they serve.
But I want those powers to be regulated by the well established legal safeguards which protect individuals from coercive state power, not be given away carte blanche, allowing deliberate back door vulnerabilities to be created and contractors to roam through my browsing history.
A coercive script by James Kearns, and some middling direction by Nick Cassavetes, can't rob the movie of an undeniable, headlong crowd - pleasing power as it tackles an issue that touches us all.
Protection of EU citizens — menaced by member states» reluctance to grant enforceable rights to match increased coercive powers.
Due process and jury trial — threatened by cost; complexity; repeated attempts to reduce the number of jury trials; a succession of civil orders with effectively criminal sanctions; and proposals for coercive powers under mental health legislation.
The existence of a coercive power, such as the power to detain, which is handed to a private body by statute, would tend to suggest that the function performed is one of a public nature.
It seems wrong that the coercive power of the state should be used to force an unconsented transfer from A to B where the operation of the open market has failed to generate the required bargain by means of normal arm's length dealing.
Coercive controlling violence and abuse is part of dynamic in which there is a pattern of power and control exercised by one parent over the other.
coercive - power - of - fear mantra («You might lose the sale or purchase by dilly - dallying Mr. / Mrs. client».)
«Coercive Power» is a person's ability to influence others» behaviour by punishing them or by creating a perceived threat to do so.»
This industry - wide sales hustle which has been culturally indoctrinated into every real estate personality from the CREAcrats on down to the field workers is a classic case of the blatant misuse of the Coercive Power of Fear method of creating commissions for those motivated by their own inner impulses to influence others» behaviours for the primary purpose of achieving «their» end goals... commissions.
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