Sentences with phrase «coexistence of»

There are difficult questions of how the coexistence of statutory rights of commercial fishermen and common law native title rights, protected under s 211, would operate in practice.
The coexistence of BO and VE in many studies does make it difficult to conclude how the different concepts are related to cortisol.
The coexistence of major depression with conduct disorder increases the risk of impulsive suicidal behavior.
The coexistence of a heightened level of experiencing, however, may be unique to EFT.
Appendix 6: Coexistence of rights, interests and responsibilities of native title parties and local governments (83 KB)
Although the coexistence of numerous Advertising Recruitment Agencies make the selection process quite tough for you, it's essential to nail down associations with the leaders.
Just sign into Lite like you would Facebook and enjoy the coexistence of both apps.
CAIR is an organization that comes wrapped in the robes of religious entitlement and claims to have at its heart, the peaceful coexistence of muslims and non-muslims.
The coexistence of an aboriginal title with the estate of the ordinary private landholder is readily recognized as an absurdity.
More generally, the peculiar feature of pay - for - delay cases is that they are about striking the right balance between the protection of IP law and the corresponding protection of competition law, i.e. it is about the coexistence of IPRs and pro-competition principles.
Article 53 of the Charter, supplementing those provisions, makes clear that, within the framework of the coexistence of the various sources of protection for fundamental rights the Charter can not, on its own, result in a reduction in the level of protection for those rights in the different legal orders.
He defended his doctoral thesis in 2007 on «the coexistence of European and Constitutional Fundamental Rights in the French Legal System».
Our proxies, including oxygen isotopes and annual ring widths (MAT = — 0.5 ± 1.9 °C), coexistence of paleovegetation (MAT = — 0.4 ± 4.1 °C), and bacterial tetraether composition in paleosols (MAT = — 0.6 ± 5.0 °C), yield estimates that are statistically indistinguishable.
E.g. (from the CV on his website): «The coexistence of abundant oxygen with methane and other reactive gases, are conditions that would be impossible on a lifeless planet.»
The economic costs of pollution, along with the apparent happy coexistence of economic growth and pollution reduction, are marshaled to challenge «the argument that pollution control kills jobs and stifles the economy.»
The coexistence of short and long term trends occuring simultaneously through time complicates our ability to unravel climate change.
Thompson and Raynor (1998) argue that, rather than being obstacles to be overcome, the uneasy coexistence of different conceptions of natural vulnerability and societal fairness is a source of resilience and the key to the institutional plurality that actually enables us to apprehend and adapt to our ever - changing circumstances.
The goal is to create a harmonious coexistence of the couple Human / Nature and to explore new modes of living the sea by building with fluidity collective spaces in proximity, overwhelming spaces of social inclusion suitable to the meeting of all the inhabitants — denizen or foreign - born, recent or old, young or aged people.
Advocates resist calling attention to the coexistence of contending expert views --- far more certain than I am that lay audiences translate such conflicts into justifications for procrastination.
Do you see the cognitively - dissonant coexistence of jepe's views on the entirely human - engineered land of Holland and his «the world is too big to be affected by anything we do» attitude about altering the composition of the atmosphere?
This four - panel polyptych belongs to his series of abstract works, a series that contains none of the figurative and narrative references of his previous stage, thereby defending the coexistence of different methods in the arena of a kind of painting untouched by dogma.
More importantly the artworks in the exhibition explore the relationship between the tangible and the intangible, as reflected through the coexistence of absence and presence (Jamie Isenstein); enclosure and exposure (Wannes Goetschalckx); structure and its disintegration (Eva Kot» átková); the physical and the metaphorical (Nina Canell); and through proximity and distance (Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, and Diango Hernández).
Thursday 21th May 2015 «Writing, Painting & How to Kill Your Neighbour», May 28th, 6:30 pm, free event at the gallery Artists Emily Mannion and Kelly Ratchford talk to writer Lisa McInerney (author of The Glorious Heresies), discussing their inspirations, their work and the coexistence of humour and darkness within their pieces.
This large - scale enigmatic painting explores phenomena including the coexistence of day and night, the nocturnal landscape and the skyscape, and the interplay of lightness and darkness, evoking the mysterious quality embedded in Magritte's expressive art.
Taking its title from Italo Calvino's novel, Le città invisibili, this exhibition brings together an international group of artists who, in different ways, explore concepts of the ideal city and discover the necessary coexistence of the real and the imagined.
When combined, her modules become a visual system that seeks balance, allowing for the coexistence of each individual square in a greater installation that frames the relationship between artwork and viewer.
I think that there could be a very interesting and critical relationship by looking at that successful coexistence of aesthetic, concept, and craft.
Commenting on the coexistence of history and fiction within the film's plot, Douglas himself notes: «It enables us to look at transitional moments throughout history in a different way and to reflect on how things might have turned out differently.
Following the example of his mentor, Constantin Brancusi, Noguchi used natural materials and emphasized the coexistence of organic and geometric elements, as in this granite carving.
Together, the drawings, the installation, and the display of the book, represent a coexistence of different perspectives, informed by Buddhism, Hinduism, shamanistic beliefs, and a scientifically - informed worldview.
As a whole, the exhibition constitutes an expansive exploration of the coexistence of hope and despair within the human condition, showcasing the generative possibilities of this dialectical tension.
Overall, the exhibition presents a quite diverse repertoire of architectural approaches and formal solutions to the different problems and opportunities which characterize each site; yet all proposals share some common traits, such as the involvement of local communities, the introduction of sustainable energy production facilities as both functional and symbolic elements, and the coexistence of different functions within a single functional scheme, from culture to residence, from education to entertainment.
What I'm seeing these days is in fact a resurgence of the Bauhaus - like interest in the coexistence of all arts, and a Meret Oppenheim - like playfulness in approaching the definitions of each genre.
While a walk through the exhibition highlights Catesby's artistic achievements, museum director Angela Mack said she hopes it also provokes discussion about the coexistence of arts and sciences, especially in school systems.
The coexistence of the painterly and sculptural creates a colour space that extends into real space.
The place that she conjures through this juxtaposition is one that comes to terms with the coexistence of the real and the ideal.
The Chosen Form of Your Destroyer is focused on a new series of mixed media works depicting the coexistence of...
King's book, «Attention's Loop (A Sculptor's Reverie on the Coexistence of Substance and Spirit)» was published by Harry Abrams in 1999.
, and other children's entertainment, the exhibition explores the coexistence of disparate elements within shared spaces.
The Chosen Form of Your Destroyer focuses on a new series of mixed media works depicting the coexistence of beauty and destruction in modern society...
Not just a single project that attempts at all costs to find thematic or stylistic, chronological or generational connections, but rather a platform that tries to suggest the coexistence of all these and other possible formats, creating a cross-section of the past fifty years of art in Italy.
All the works in the exhibition feature the shop window as vitrine, framing its seemingly banal contents, and the photographs, as Susan Sontag writes, «[bring] to our attention the coexistence of sewing machine and umbrella, that chance meeting, which a great Surrealist poet has praised as the essence of beauty.»
It is a painting exhibition, but also a coexistence of four spaces in which the viewers can immerse themselves just as in an architectural structure.
Forks, spoons and knives form delicate branches, the curves of annual rings, and textured layers of bark, suggesting a harmonious coexistence of culture and nature.
The resulting work is the unique coexistence of upward - soaring sculpture and the downward, flowing plunge.
Primarily wielding acrylic, ink, graphite, and collage materials, Gaffney achieves a delicate linework, flat colors, and rounded organic forms that together explore the coexistence of the natural and man - made.
The coexistence of contradictory thoughts channeled by painting, sound, video, performance, and especially sculpture is an organizing principle of her art.
Familiarity gives way to mystery as skewed perspectives, irreconcilable spaces, and the impossible coexistence of circumstances penetrate our consciousness.
In a similar way, the book explores the fluid coexistence of photography within Sullivan's work alongside his paintings and drawings.
Balancing renderings of chaotic fragmentation with forms defined by geometric containment and restraint, the works explore the coexistence of hope and despair within the human condition.
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