Sentences with phrase «coffee room»

With comfy beds, a hot shower, TV and some instant coffee the rooms have everything a weary soul wants after a long flight.
We caught up with Saltzman at the Beverly Hills Hotel's iconic Fountain Coffee Room — where she remembers annual 3 a.m. post-Oscars breakfast meetings with her Vanity Fair team — to chat about making it in fashion, convincing Ronan to wear pink, her honest thoughts on the Time's Up movement and more.
The aim of the PSB is to... make them available in one centre with scientists... sharing the same coffee room (which is the breeding ground for new ideas and scientific collaborations!)
I recently overheard this sarcastic comment in my departmental coffee room: «Aside from not getting any further funding and not getting anything published this year, I'm doing pretty well at this science game.»
Even the fact that you joined an International online dating site remains to be a let - us - not - talk - about - that topic in many coffee rooms and hang out places nowadays.
Relax and brew gourmet coffee your room or find ready to sip hot coffee at the front office.
Fountain Coffee Room, Beverly Hills: The luncheonette at the Beverly Hills Hotel has served local starlets and studio heads since 1949.
«The best EAs are going to tell you where the bear goes in the woods: They'll say, «I know what people tell you in the coffee room.
An engineer came to work, went into the coffee room, poured his coffee, and the coffee machine did the percolation effect of hot water going through a spout.
So for the engineer in the coffee room, the cultural process made it easy for him to test out his idea and translate that into a real technology.
Sounds like this guy was a jerk to work with and was only o k at his job, should have kept the banter in the coffee room.
I discovered the recipe in an old issue of Good Food that was lying around in the coffee room at my former workplace in London, copied it out and then promptly forgot it.
«There's someone I'd like you to meet,» Susan said as she entered the coffee room, leaving him in the hallway.
When her children were young, McKendrick sacrificed long chats with colleagues in the coffee room and after - work networking, which she worried might damage her career prospects.
And Barr highlights, «It is important to know how to do things yourself, or at least understand how to do things,» which is why he advises learning «as much as you can from people who really know what they are talking about — that is usually not the person who talks the most in the coffee room
from too much stress, too much sugar (the office culture was big on sweet treats in the coffee room!)
Or was willing to give you more than a pat on the back in the coffee room at work for reading more books than anyone else in your office?
Underground museum, coffee room, souvenirs and opal shop also available.
Don't give a hiring manager any material to joke about in the coffee room.
Display flyers or brochures in your workplace — perhaps in the employee bulletin board or coffee room.
In the coffee room talking to other Realtors, for example.
Comments her employer, Peter Putupon, «This latest expense is burdensome, but we hope to offset it with a combination of gratuities from our affinity partners, food stamps, and revenues from our coffee room vending machines.»
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