Sentences with phrase «cognitive ability which»

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People who had healthier diets as kids, they say, demonstrate higher cognitive ability as well as better social skills — both of which are useful among adults in the workplace.
There's also cognitive empathy, which is the ability to understand and analyze the feelings of others but not feel them yourself.
He or she takes the Watson - Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, a popular and well - validated cognitive - ability test, and the Devine Inventory, which measures the applicant's traits and tendencies against those of existing Capital H consultants.
However, this was not the case for exercise such as weight lifting and muscle toning, which had little to no impact on a person's cognitive abilities.
And whereas some psychologists find that high scores on certain cognitive tests correlate in older people with the ability to keep their spirits up, other researchers hypothesize that happiness in later life is an effect of cognitive losses — which force older people to concentrate on simpler, happier thoughts.
Kahan calls this «identity protective cognition thesis», which is a self - sabotage of cognitive ability where it conflicts with a deeply - held belief.
Alfonse here is suffering from the «Dunning — Kruger» effect which is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate.
I am glad you demonstrate the cognitive ability to recognize the difference, which is more than I can say for Dale.
It is important to note that these studies, which support breast milk's power to develop infants» cognitive ability are based mainly on observation and could contain confounding factors such as minor differences in mother - baby interaction.
Children that don't get the nutrients their bodies need will often have decreased cognitive abilities and performance in the classroom.These children are also at a higher risk for disease, which means they will miss classes.
We took note of advice given by the American Academy of Pediatrics and have selected toys which are both appropriate for her hand and finger skills, and her emotional and cognitive ability.
The Cognitive Scales, which measures a child's ability to, for example, engage in pretend play, attend to objects, or look for an object that has fallen;
Nonetheless, higher education in Belarus (and in our sample) is far more variable, which is why we observe inequalities in both breastfeeding behaviour and child cognitive ability.
This study used age - appropriate cognitive tests that measure developmental skills, such as the ability to focus, as well as tests that measure comprehension and verbal ability which are strong indicators of IQ.
The design of this study made it possible to examine 1) the extent to which benefits of breastfeeding on cognitive ability and achievement were evident throughout middle childhood, adolescence, and into young adulthood; and 2) the extent to which breastfeeding was related to a range of indices of academic achievement that included performance on standardized tests, teacher ratings of academic achievement, and levels of success in examinations on leaving school.
Finally, neurodevelopmental research has suggested that the factors in breast milk that may be responsible for the improved cognitive abilities of breastfed children may involve long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and, particularly, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 10 with some clinical studies in which infant formula was supplemented with DHA suggesting possible improvements in visual acuity and cognitive ability in preterm infants given the DHA - supplemented formula.13
We've followed SFL reading ability development over several years and studied which cognitive and linguistic tasks are most promising for predicting literacy skills in several languages», says Alderson.
Surprisingly these same people are just as affected as everyone else on other tasks that require different cognitive abilities, such as maintaining focus,» said Paul Whitney, a WSU professor of psychology and lead author of the study, which appeared in the journal Scientific Reports.
Using a combination of behavioral and neuroimaging methods, he and his colleagues examine how children develop foundational number - processing abilities, such as the ability to judge which of two numbers is larger or to estimate numbers» position on a number line; why these basic cognitive processes sometimes go awry; and how to help children with serious deficits in numerical processing.
In the APSOEM Marathon Study, which has been running since 2009, MedUni Vienna's biobank has already demonstrated that the cognitive ability and mental state of older marathon runners aged > 60 are significantly better than those of comparable age groups who do not engage in any endurance sport.
Gifted education programs have long been subject to criticism that their selection criteria, which often rely on IQ testing and other measures of cognitive ability, are biased against students of color and poor children.
In a related study published recently in the journal Child Abuse and Neglect, Valentino found that maltreating parents, many of whom had experienced childhood trauma, could successfully be taught to use more elaborative and emotion - rich reminiscing with their preschool - aged children, which has been linked to a children's subsequent cognitive abilities in a number of areas including memory, language and literacy development.
A 1999 critique of primate mirror self - recognition studies in the journal Animal behavior said that differences between species could be due to the conditions in which they were reared, and that it was premature to speculate as to how the skill relates to other cognitive abilities, such as inferring the mental states of others.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated the extent to which improvements in living conditions and educational opportunities over a person's life affect cognitive abilities and their implications for men and women.
The authors examined data from the «Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe» in which more than 31,000 men and women over the age of 50 from 13 European countries answered questions that tested cognitive functions including memory, mathematical ability, and verbal fluency.
Although most animals» cognitive abilities decline late in life, only people seem to develop Alzheimer's disease, which can result in severe dementia symptoms.
This study follows up on previous work by the same group of researchers at the University of California, Davis in 2011, which assessed the cognitive abilities of 30 people who regularly meditated before and after they went on a three - month - long retreat at the Shambhala Mountain meditation center in the US.
The computerized part of the treatment was administered to pairs of adults with autism to help improve their neurocognitive abilities, such as attention and cognitive flexibility — which are important precursors to higher - level skills involved in problem - solving, self - regulation and social communication.
The study — which included tests on pilgrims taking part in the famous Camino de Santiago and a brain stimulation experiment — found no link between intuitive / analytical thinking, or cognitive inhibition (an ability to suppress unwanted thoughts and actions), and supernatural beliefs.
The fact that experience can shape individual differences, which in turn can affect the quality of spatial and social cognition a person, suggests that growing up in certain built environments can have detrimental or beneficial effects on their cognitive ability.
In the study, MBSR participants reported significantly greater improvement in the ability to pay attention, and also made fewer mistakes on difficult cognitive tasks than those in the control group, which received patient education materials and supportive counseling.
The theory is considered «constructivist», meaning that, unlike nativist theories (which describe cognitive development as the unfolding of innate knowledge and abilities) or empiricist theories (which describe cognitive development as the gradual acquisition of knowledge through experience), it asserts that we construct our cognitive abilities through self - motivated action in the world.
Structured music lessons significantly enhance children's cognitive abilities — including language - based reasoning, short - term memory, planning and inhibition — which lead to improved academic performance.
MCI, which is thought to be a preliminary stage of Alzheimer's, is a state in which cognitive functions, such as memory or thinking ability, decrease at a level that do not affect daily life.
«The distinct shrill of preterm babies reflects the activity of this nerve, which is related to the regulation of heart and throat function, health, and cognitive abilities.
But it also plays a pivotal role in many cognitive abilities at which humans excel, including learning, concentrating,...
Plotnik has now moved to Clayton's lab to conduct detailed comparisons of the cognitive abilities of elephants and members of the crow family — which are remarkably adept at learning how to use tools.
Martha Farah, director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, says it is crucial to figure out what neural circuitry is behind «free won't,» as she refers the ability to control impulses, because it is one «of the many psychiatric disorders for which self - control problems figure prominently.»
It focuses on the ability to hone in on a task and ignore distractions, which «leverages every single thing we do,» says cognitive neuroscientist Helen Neville at the University of Oregon, Eugene.
For example, greater cortical thickness in childhood could lead to greater cognitive ability, which in turn might lead to a greater likelihood to engage in stimulating activities that could result in better cortical maintenance.
Basak's laboratory, which is focused on cognitive interventions to improve abilities that decline with age, is conducting further research to evaluate differences among various types of video games, long - term effects of cognitive training using the games, and effects on patients already experiencing mild cognitive impairment.
We think that pesticides may be affecting the memory and cognitive ability of bumblebees, which may be very important when conducting complex behaviours.»
In late 2010, van Schaik and Burkart comprehensively reviewed all the available data on cognitive abilities in three groups of New World monkeys: the cooperatively breeding callitrichids, a group including marmosets and tamarins; capuchins, which occasionally share care of their young; and squirrel monkeys, which are independent breeders with little shared support.
He currently works as a research assistant on the HOPE study, which tracks the cognitive abilities of elderly adults to stimulate research into understanding both normal cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease.
«The findings also provide insight into which cognitive abilities put individuals at risk of developing schizophrenia and demonstrate that control carriers provide an opportunity to study cognitive abnormalities without the confounding effects of psychosis or medication.»
The cognitive abilities that are tested for this diagnosis are complex attention, language, executive function (which are skills that enable people to plan, organize, remember things, prioritize, or pay attention to tasks, for example), visuospatial function (the visual perception of spatial relationships among objects), memory, and social cognition.
Volunteers are encouraged to return to the site for additional assessments every 3 - 6 months over their lifetime, which will provide researchers with information about how the human brain and cognitive abilities change over time.
With her first research grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Dr. Genova is studying cognitive fatigue in individuals with MS. With cognitive fatigue, individuals tire easily when performing tasks that involve thinking and learning, which can adversely affect their ability to work and perform the usual activities of daily life.
Magnesium can also enhance the brain's ability to change, heal, and grow new neural pathways, which is essential to slowing down and even reversing cognitive decline.
It may amplify conditions and promote mechanisms which have a negative effect by «synergistically» worsening cognitive abilities in Alzheimer's patients.
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