Sentences with phrase «cognitive advantages»

NYU study: «The study clearly show the distinct cognitive advantages of sound - enhanced electronic reading platforms.»
[Cognitive advantage for term infants breastfed over soy formula fed.]
[Angela de Bruin, Barbara Treccani and Sergio Della Sala, Cognitive Advantage in Bilingualism: An Example of Publication Bias?]
Bilinguals have been found to possess cognitive advantages over those who only speak one language, but the nature of the advantage is unclear.
Ceraloft is another nootropic supplement that only relies on natural ingredients in order to provide cognitive advantages to the user.
The results are consistent with a recent study that attributes the cognitive advantages of breastfed babies to sensitive, responsive parenting (Gibbs and Forste 2014).
However, there is still much debate over whether or not breastfeeding gives children a cognitive advantage.
They might even enjoy a cognitive advantage.
The research, published in Child Development, found the cognitive advantages of bilingualism tend to help with academic achievement only if English skills are sufficient at school entry for the child to be fully engaged.
One theory, known as the Out of Africa hypothesis, holds that modern humans, whose ancestors had recently migrated from Africa, drove the Neandertals extinct, possibly through warfare, disease, or cognitive advantage.
How can a group of people who are generally seen as disabled actually have cognitive advantages?
When the researchers gave the mice a drug that blocks the action of these receptors, the klotho - enhanced mice lost their cognitive advantage.
The research, published in Child Development, found the cognitive advantages of bilingualism tend to help with academic achievement only if English skills are sufficient at school entry for the child to be fully engaged.
The Mental Costs of Linguistic Assimilation — Julie Sedivy — The linguist, who grew up partly in Montreal, inveighs against those who would force a unilingual society — and has evidence of cognitive advantages to back up her support of bi - and multi-lingualism.
The results are consistent with a recent study that attributes the cognitive advantages of breastfed babies to sensitive, responsive parenting (Gibbs and Forste 2014).
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