Sentences with phrase «cognitive content»

Reading brain commands for mouth movements may be simpler than reading cognitive content, but it is hardly easy.
By appealing to revelation, he does manage to avoid treating parables as «useful fictions», but they remain devoid of cognitive content beyond the endorsement of distinctive attitudes:
He thought that much of what counted as neo-orthodoxy sacrificed cognitive content to revelation in favor a personal, non-cognitive revelation (Barth was exempted to a certain extent).
Nash pushed cognitive content to revelation so hard at times that it could cloud his judgment about the Holiness - Pentecostal wing of evangelicalism.
In affective neuroscience, novel cognitive content elicits the activity of midbrain dopamine systems that fix attention, and cause a state of arousal and positive affect.
Practice 3: Provide students with opportunities to practice and employ these skills through service learning projects, as well as high interest and participatory electives with strong cognitive content like drama, debate, and robotics.
The type of Belief dealt with in epistemology is to believe something, simply means any cognitive content held as true in spite of the absence of proof or even evidence.
The dimensions are closely integrated: cognitive content is always subjectively influenced by the learner's emotional and motivational drives, and emotional and motivational engagement is always influenced by the learning content.
In addition to using Imagine Learning, Lincoln teachers have been using GLAD strategies (Guided Language Acquisition Design), and the Cognitive Content Dictionary, which sets the standard for common vocabulary at each grade level.
Her works highlight the slippage between the cognitive content language carries (as a vessel) and its form (the shape and weight of the vessel itself).
Her works highlight the slippage between the cognitive content language carries (as a vessel) and its form (the shape and weight of the...
Rigorously formulated in the language of physics, itself a specialized part of some natural language, physical hypotheses have cognitive content of their own and become falsifiable, in some cases individually and in other cases as groups of physical hypotheses.
Automatic thoughts as a predictor of internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese adolescents: A test of the cognitive content - specificity hypothesis with age effects.
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