Sentences with phrase «cognitive dissonance makes»

The ethical reasons can be powerful for many, however for some cognitive dissonance makes some turn away.

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Look up «Psychological Projection» and then you'll get a hint at the total made - up absurdities that humans have created over thousands of years in order to understand something that is beyond understanding along with their minds over rationalizing events that in a time without the understandings of basic science, they used imagination to ease their fear based cognitive dissonance.
This is done by making changes to justify their stressful behavior, either by adding new parts to the cognition causing the psychological dissonance, or by actively avoiding social situations and / or contradictory information likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance.
This makes it easier for everyone involved to maintain cognitive dissonance, since everyone knows everyone else is cheating and if the regulators don't know everyone is cheating that's their fault.
These only feed the cognitive dissonance — the confusion — of those whose real experience tells them a very different story, making them more likely to imitate the violent forms of feedback they are already witnessing on the news or over the Internet.
Seeing him attempt something so sincere, so rooted in human behavior instead of screwball goofs, makes for a strange yet welcome bit of cognitive dissonance.
A similar ersatz, too - late populism motors The Big Short — the movie begins with a quote from Mark Twain — though the cognitive dissonance it produces is even more dizzying than that generated by The Other Guys «closing credits: The handful of fact - based finance guys the film tracks, who saw that the economy was headed for calamity and made billions of dollars while millions of people lost homes and jobs, are held up as conscience - bearers.
And it wasn't because they didn't like it, which made for some serious cognitive dissonance on my part.
Unless there is some cognitive dissonance at work, I'm pretty sure that the hub in Banjo - Tooie was larger than most of the game hubs made by Nintendo in future generations, excepting the Zelda games.
Overall, it's a great show that graphically illustrates the cognitive dissonance that ensues when sensitive artists try to make sense of a world where superficial labels too often trump complex individual realities.
Despite Nye's assertions that skeptics have «cognitive dissonance», many scientists are «underwhelmed» by the evidence for man - made climate change.
Whether you are working on the front lines of the climate issue, immersed in the science, trying to make policy or educate the public, or just an average person trying to make sense of the cognitive dissonance or grapple with frustration over this looming issue, What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming moves beyond the psychological barriers that block progress and opens new doorways to social and personal transformation.
Apparently showing you other processes where even smaller traces make a difference is so problematic that you need to employ this strategy to resolve your cognitive dissonance.
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