Sentences with phrase «cognitive effort»

Human thought processes are not instantaneous, but require cognitive effort which takes some amount of time.
Is it just habit and attitude rather than measurable cognitive effort during reading that made people prefer print texts?
Level 4 tasks require the most complex cognitive effort.
«When you initially learn mindfulness meditation practices, you have to cognitively work at it — especially during a stressful task — and, these active cognitive efforts may result in the task feeling less stressful, but they may also have physiological costs with higher cortisol production,» Creswell explained.
This suggests that interaction with human partners requires more emotional involvement, and thus more cognitive effort, than interacting with a computer (Rilling, Sanfey, Aronson, Nystrom, & Cohen, 2004).
Twitter Video Ads Deliver Recall, Receptivity (Study) New research finds, among other things, «Twitter was the only platform where cognitive effort, or information processing, increased for video ads, on both desktop and mobile, and attention levels remained constant on Twitter whether users were watching organic or branded ad content,» adding that mobile recall was «significantly higher.»
One idea is that they are based on heuristics — mental rules of thumb which, applied in appropriate situations, allow us to make fast decisions with minimal cognitive effort.
Accepting a statement also requires less cognitive effort than rejecting it.
The former activity is a cue for cognitive effort and as such led to decreased reliance on (incorrect) intuition, and more on dispassionate analytic thinking.
The authors suggest that it is more about people's attitude towards the digital media than the actual reading experience: «The present findings thereby suggest that the scepticism towards digital reading media... may reflect a general cultural attitude towards reading in this manner rather than measurable cognitive effort during reading.»
«We had speculated during the design of the study that the choices not to drink at all might require the most cognitive effort, but that didn't seem to be the case.
«And, these active cognitive efforts may result in the task feeling less stressful, but they may also have physiological costs with higher cortisol production.»
As the psychologist Robert Sternberg wrote in 1982, the natural is what we find more familiar, while what we consider unnatural tends to be more novel — perceptually and experientially unfamiliar — and complex, meaning that more cognitive effort is required to understand it.
Instead, consider the cognitive effort that a student will use to complete the task.
The task does not require any cognitive effort beyond remembering the right response or formula.
fMRI and cognitive studies reveal that the brain «evaluates» the probability of effort resulting in success before expending the cognitive effort in solving mental problems.
Among the most important are providing information from credible sources at points of decision, presenting information so as to minimize the cognitive effort needed to make an informed choice, and providing credible quality assurance that adopters will actually get the promised benefits (Vandenbergh et al 2010, Wolske and Stern in press).
Compared to interactions with computers, interactions with human counterparts require more emotional involvement, cognitive effort and brain activation.
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