Sentences with phrase «cognitive errors»

However, today's professionals can make strategic decisions based on deep data and predictive analytics to improve conventional wisdom and correct cognitive errors in judgment.
To the extent that investors continue to be humans making cognitive errors, the opportunity will persist.
Can we chalk this up to «persistent cognitive errors» or is there something else going on?
We kept encountering the same poor logic time and again and wanted to address the underlying cognitive errors.
He suggests that patients recognize that «misguided care results from a cascade of cognitive errors», and thus they can help the diagnostic process by presenting their symptoms in such a way that the correct diagnosis can be made.
@Chuckles I was not being hostile, but am just trying to point out that you are basically willing to conflate any similar cognitive errors such as we have as humans as being significant in any way in religious terms, should it happen that we encounter some alien species that also has idiots who think imaginary stuff is real.
The authors provide 9 useful steps in deciding whether to cross a boundary, describe common cognitive errors in boundary decision - making, and offer 9 helpful steps to take when a boundary crossing has negative effects.
Some behavioral economists argue that the standard human cognitive errors create imperfect pricing that a shrewd investor can exploit.
Denominator blindness gives rise to another related cognitive error called base rate neglect.
Rolf Dobelli, a Swiss writer and entrepreneur, compiled a list of 99 «systematic cognitive errors» over the course of his career and put them into a bestselling book titled The Art of Thinking Clearly.
He explores, in some detail, the reasons why deliberating groups amplify cognitive errors and result in super-entrenched positioning.
Gary Belsky, author of Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How to Correct Them, takes a look at the most common ways people screw up their investments, including biases and cognitive errors like overconfidence and confirmation bias.
2) Participants will be able to define cognitive errors and their purpose in maintaining dissociation along with one strategy to treat them
Treating dissociative cognitive errors will be explored with a case example illustrating their delicate treatment process.
Groopman's message to the patient is to recognize that doctors are simply well - educated but fallible humans and that «misguided care results from a cascade of cognitive errors», and thus it is up to the patient to present his or her symptoms in such a way that the correct diagnosis can be made.
I hope that by reading this you now understand that the environment and our proclivity for making cognitive errors can lead us to overeat by a lot more than we think, even when we believe we're being diligent.
Colin has written six books including «Building Wealth in the Stock Market,» which teaches his personal investment plan, and «Think like the Great Investors,» in which he outlines the common cognitive errors and biases in decision - making based on behavioural finance and much more.
These cognitive errors can be just as, if not more insidious to our waistlines than the environment around us.
I can't be smug about Stephanie making Mistake 11 — I admit I've fallen prey to this cognitive error myself.
Perhaps, then, less sophisticated investors are more vulnerable to their natural trend - chasing instinct and, therefore, to cognitive errors and behavioral biases that show up in their trading.
In both cases it is a failure to appreciate the impact of mean reversion, which is a cognitive error.
Barry Riholtz at The Big Picture notes that cognitive errors and continuing attempts at generating alpha have led many investors astray.
Cognitive Errors 9.
At the risk of sounding like I'm under the influence of Error # 8 (Cognitive errors — one of which is: «We selectively perceive what agrees with our preexisting expectations and ignore things that disagree with our existing beliefs.»)
The above are just some of the cognitive errors identified in The Art of Thinking Clearly that can be applied to help us «litigate clearly.»
Should they ever litigate, I sincerely hope both Dobelli and Taleb will do so «clearly,» remembering the cognitive errors described above, regardless of any issues of authorship.
«The Cognitive Errors of Commission and Omission of Novice Group Counseling Trainees about Group Situations.»
Are cognitive errors of underestimation predictive or reflective of depressive symptoms in children: A longitudinal study
Title: Advancing Excellence in Treating Dissociation: Working with Dissociative Phobias and Cognitive Errors
The impact of cognitive errors, stress and adherence on metabolic control in youths with Type 1 diabetes
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