Sentences with phrase «cognitive fatigue levels»

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The goal is to see whether a behavioral intervention that is based on providing performance feedback can effectively reduce levels of cognitive fatigue, a finding that would have implications for individuals with other types of neurological conditions who are affected by disabling fatigue.
Do you believe, this is what I believe and I could be wrong and you have more experience in this than I do so I'm testing my hypothesis with an expert, that as you add these toxins, like if you were to say on an average day someone with no toxins doesn't ever drop a word for their memory but on a day or a week or when their mercury levels hit one out of 10, maybe they drop one word today, and when they're five out of 10, they drop four words a day, there's a gradual decline in cognitive performance or physical performance before we hit the «Oh my god I feel crappy all the time, I have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and I'm a zombie?»
With 90 % of all doctors visits now linked to stress induced ailments and chronically high cortisol levels being associated with depression, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function, adaptogens provide a natural means of treating the cause of these symptoms.
These symptoms may include a low stamina, a low body temperature, cold extremities, fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, anxiety & depression, brittle nails, hair loss, cognitive impairment, high cholesterol levels, constipation, memory lapses and heart palpitations.
Low levels of adrenal cortisol can result in the following: hypoglycemia, fatigue, muscle aches, low blood sugar, sugar or salt craving, shakiness relieved with eating, moodiness, food sensitivities, allergies, recurrent infections, dizzy when standing, low blood pressure, decrease ability to handle stress, decreased cognitive ability or «brain fog», swollen ankles that are worse at night, hypoglycemia under stress, a need to lie down or rest after psychological or emotional stress, muscular weakness, difficulty getting out of bed, wiped out with exercise and / or inability to tolerate thyroid replacement.
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