Sentences with phrase «cognitive perspective»

Social - cognitive perspective suggests that self - efficacy believes can regulate human functioning, therefore they could promote specific coping if relations between them are found.
A meta - cognitive perspective changes the way we look at our patient's beliefs and actions.
Looking at both sides of the social exchange coin: A social cognitive perspective on the joint effects of relationship quality and differentiation on creativity
Rasch Rating Scale Analysis of the Arabic Version of the Physical Activity Self - Efficacy Scale for Adolescents: A Social Cognitive Perspective
«Besides turn - taking, our task may also provide insights into abilities for cognitive perspective - taking — in other words, the capacity to improve coordination by mentally putting yourself in someone else's place.
Despite difficulties in conceptualizing and measuring the idea of broad meaning systems or broad explanatory frameworks, the studies seemed to demonstrate the importance of such cognitive perspectives.
Cognitive Perspectives in Children's Social and Behavioral Development 18: 77 ~ 125
60, No. 2/3, Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure - Base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research (1995), pp. 27 - 48.
Intergenerational transmission of parenting attitudes: A social cognitive perspective.
From a cognitive perspective, sensory skills are the foundation for learning.
Maziar is mainly concerned with technological aspects of R&D, while Stijn is mainly looking at ICT from a cognitive perspective.
In addition, neuroscience research has shifted the focus from a cognitive perspective of the child brain to a focus on the emotional development of the brain (Schore, 2015).
This belief has driven our team, for over half a century, to study how children learn — from a behavioral, ergonomic and cognitive perspective — and to develop furniture that is flexible, adaptable and stimulating.
District policy making and state standards: A cognitive perspective on implementation.
To summarize, in order to develop policies that successfully change practice, it is essential to begin by examining the implementer's cognitive perspective.
«Trial technology, litigation support and cognitive perspective.
Many of the relevant techniques were suggested directly by Kahneman and Tversky in their 1995 essay «Conflict Resolution: A Cognitive Perspective
From a cognitive perspective, these kinds of resume templates are supposed to make it easier for the 50 percent of our brain dedicated to visual function to process key points more efficiently.
This collection of articles by Steven Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Louise McHugh, Ian Stewart, and other leading researchers begins with a complete history of psychological approaches to understanding the self before presenting contemporary accounts that examine the self and perspective taking from behavioral, developmental, and cognitive perspectives.
«I enjoy working with adolescents and adults experiencing a range of problems but especially anxiety and depression, operating from a cognitive perspective.
From the cognitive perspective, it is believed that the person's inability in the formation of schemas and appropriate cognitions leads to mental disorders [7].
60, No. 2/3, Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure - Base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research (1995), pp. 27 - 48.
For the cognitive perspective the loneliness involves the perception of «a discrepancy between two factors, the desired and the archived pattern of social relations» (Peplau & Perlman, 1982a, p. 5).
News coverage is analyzed from both a descriptive perspective and a cognitive perspective, suggesting how media frames interact with the cultural models of child mental health documented in other research.
From a social cognitive perspective these «working models» can be conceptualized in terms of relational schemas that have the same functions as other types of schemas (e.g., organizing information, guiding future behavior, etc.).
Cognitive perspectives on children's social and behavioral development
The prognosis from a cognitive perspective may still be good regardless of age at adoption if the quality of care before adoption has been «good enough» and the adoption selection mechanisms do not reflect an overrepresentation of risk factors — both requirements probably fulfilled in South Korea.
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