Sentences with phrase «cognitive power»

This piece is adapted from Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power, to be published on March 6th, 2018 by Avery / Penguin Random House.
The first is referred to as the Great Wave and was an inexplicable chain of natural disasters, and the second is a pandemic that turned humans into «the dissolved» — infected beings with special cognitive powers whose bodies will eventually dissolve into blood.
Research shows that low phosphatidylserine is indeed associated with declining cognitive powers in older individuals.
Our research extends beyond the concerns of preventing and mitigating Alzheimer's, into maintaining vital cognitive power over a lifetime.
The authors agree that some animals have extraordinary, savant - like cognitive powers — Clark's woodpecker can locate over 1000 pine nut stashes, for example — but they say these brilliant birds are simply well adapted, and don't suffer other cognitive impairments typical in human autistic savants.
Informational technology today is replacing human cognitive power much like steam power, the internal combustion engine and electricity replaced physical power during the industrial revolution.
«Our results suggest a special energy management in humans, that allows us to spare energy for our extraordinary cognitive powers at a cost of weak muscle,» summarizes Dr Kasia Bozek.
While they wouldn't be mistaken for Lilliputian - sized brains, some of their fine - grained features bear a remarkable resemblance to the human cerebral cortex, home to our memories, decision making and other high - level cognitive powers.
Scientists and philosophers traditionally place our higher cognitive powers in a realm distinct from that of our senses and actions, but, Aziz - Zadeh observes, the faculties «are intrinsically tied to the flesh.»
Not just to prevent or mitigate Alzheimer's but also to maintain and maximize cognitive power over a lifetime.
According to sevral studies pigs have more cognitive power than dogs and human babies.
A terrible pandemic is turning all of humanity into «the Dissolved» — the sick whose deliria provide them with supernatural cognitive powers... but also steer them towards a gruesome death.
They loose cognitive power and executive control.
«Any new rules, circuits, or understanding of how the brain works will allow us to design neuromorphic machines that are much more powerful in terms of cognitive power, energy efficiency, and packaging,» Curioni said.
Lisa Mosconi, Ph.D., INHC, is the associate director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) / NewYork - Presbyterian Hospital and author of the book Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power.
If your IQ score isn't the be-all-and-end-all of brainpower and your activities and attitude can influence how intelligent you are on a daily basis, then you are just as able to lower your cognitive powers as you are to increase then.
, then you are just as able to lower your cognitive powers as you are to increase then.
At the beginning of this article, I quoted Polanyi's belief that it is necessary to return to St Augustine «to restore the balance of our cognitive powers
It is certainly with this in mind that Aristotle asserts that sight is superior to touch in purity (NE 1176a1) and, as a cognitive power, is the most perfect of all the senses (NE 429a3, M 98a21).
These semantic tricks are not simply oddities of a few isolated cults, but the very source of the cognitive power of cults, the means by which cults concentrate power at the top of the pyramid.
Interestingly, the task of breastfeeding itself can even help give your kiddo some cognitive powers.
Surely it is a no - brainer that our cognitive powers fade as we grow older?
Although she acknowledges that the relationship between intelligence and neuron count has not yet been firmly established, Herculano - Houzel and her colleagues argue that avian brains with the same or greater forebrain neuron counts than primates with much larger brains can potentially provide the birds with much higher «cognitive power» per pound than mammals.
Their cognitive powers (memory, deductive thought and other intellectual capabilities, as well as their artistic and creative powers) would far outstrip our own.
Yet the cognitive power on display here can trigger chills.Principia marks the dawn of modern physics, beginning with the familiar three laws of motion («To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction» is the third).
That may mean, the researchers speculate, that slouching frees up some cognitive power that would otherwise be tied up in sitting up straight, allowing them to do better on tough problems than they might have otherwise.
When you are chronically sleep - deprived, you are hurting your metabolic health, cardiovascular health, cognitive power and memory, athletic performance, and the list goes on... but most importantly for this article, you will have a really, really hard time (as if it isn't hard enough already) building your ideal body.
Baby boomers and aging adults face a loss of cognitive powers and impaired mental functions.
The indulgent use of oil paint create textures imbued with a cognitive power, the flatness of the patterns complemented by raised brushstrokes seemingly pushing and pulling one's gaze.
Humans use language as an imperfect signpost for more complex thought, but deep - learning AI, with its greater (if narrow) cognitive power, doesn't have human language biases (apart from those implicit in that corpus of used words) or limitations in finding the clear mathematical similarities.
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