Sentences with phrase «coherent explanation»

The film spends the entire time trying to explain and justify its existence but ends up getting caught up in too many timelines and not enough coherent explanation.
Toward High School Biology is designed to align closely with a new set of science education standards, called the Next Generation Science Standards, which were developed with help from 26 states and organizations like AAAS and the National Research Council, in an effort to teach students to read scientific texts, analyze data and construct coherent explanations of scientific phenomena.
No one is capable of providing a scientific based coherent explanation for Sydney, or for many, many other locations globally that don't fit the hysterical claims of warmists.
@ Luis Enrique (and a bit @ Thomas): A conception of what political philosophy does might be something like: attempts to systematize political structures, in order both to provide as coherent an explanation as possible of our current intuitions, and extrapolate from them to prescriptions for how they might be improved / made more consistent.
The most coherent explanation yet offered on this connundrum.
He was iconoclastic, innovative, intellectual and could provide a highly coherent explanation of his vision of low - brow art, made out of ordinary materials, in which the spectator was entangled and obliged to participate.
I've never heard a single coherent explanation, other than that's what you get when you squeeze the data through a time series analysis program... which can easily be nothing but applying Fourier analysis to noise and coming up with a quasi-periodic result.
Cliff Asness has the most coherent explanation I've read.
Only in this way can we give a coherent explanation of the unitive dimension.
The Church's opposition to fornication finds its coherent explanation through such positive theology.
Whitehead already goes far toward a coherent explanation.
Another important strength of Whitehead's solution to the problem of evil is that he provides a coherent explanation of the nature of good and evil and accounts for their production.
And this is said pejoratively neither of metaphysics nor of science, since the quest for coherent explanation is intrinsic to the nature and dignity of human reason itself.
The MoJ appears to be confused and it is impossible to get a coherent explanation.
The image of the weak seeking freedom, however distorted it might on occasion be, can easily neutralize the effect of a coherent explanation by the perceived stronger side.
«Unless they're taunting us, it's hard to come up with a coherent explanation
Even more difficult is organizing it into a coherent explanation that doesn't have them zoning out from scientific terminology.
I also thought it would be helpful if we could get a coherent explanation of the differences between the various kinds of yoga that are currently being practiced, and how each style can help with achieving different kinds of goals.
Students are required to link the segments of the story together with arrows and write appropriate connectives on the arrows to create a coherent explanation.
Peter Hart wrote «First, Bash the Teachers: Media Find a Scapegoat for Educational Failure,» What goes mostly if not entirely unexplained amid these anti-teacher assaults is any coherent explanation of what it is that teachers unions have done or failed to do to promote excellence in schools.
If you haven't understood it in a systematic way from reading my blog, or those that I recommend, this book will give you a coherent explanation of how we got here.
With no warning and no coherent explanation, the Department then changed its mind.
They noted their lack of success in getting a coherent explanation from Muir Russell on the (untrue) finding of his panel on email deletion:
You face a simple choice - either be silent, or provide a coherent explanation as what your point / evidence / argument is.
The purpose of denial is doubt and confusion, so they don't have to create and defend a coherent explanation of the origins of life on Earth.
«The most coherent explanation is that climate is changing because of burning of fossil fuels and felling forests.
The government has given no coherent explanation for denying a child the right to live safely with relatives, who could provide the same continuity of care that foster for adoption aims to achieve.
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