Sentences with phrase «coherent model»

Our building blocks are pieces of experimental evidence that are linked into coherent models of the universe.
As I've said elsewhere, there is no physically coherent model of climate change that is linear, magic jump, then linear again.
Correlation supersedes causation, and science can advance even without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic explanation at all.
These somewhat contradictory theories, none of which is universally valid for all cases, have now been unified by Oehzelt and developed into a single coherent model based on the electrostatic potential caused by the charge carriers in the metal and the organic semiconductor.
Conclusion The behavioralists have yet to come up with a coherent model that actually predicts the future rather than merely explains, with the benefit of hindsight, what the market did in the past.
The coherent model of child development that weaves throughout Waldorf education helps us to provide children with an integrated approach that considers where they have come from and where they are headed.
And why too, given that the Tories are also extremely weak on Society, not because they don't believe in it but because they lack any coherent model that isn't based on «business», does New Labour remain, on the one hand, stuck in a vapid notionism which vitiates all critique and, on the other, torn between (a) aping (without, however, understanding it) the Tories» «business» approach and (b) reverting to outmoded Fordist views of how the collective works.
Sofue has combined many observations, including some of his own, to provide a coherent model of the disturbances.
Towards an understanding of the ISM in galaxies through the combination of high - resolution ALMA data and a coherent modelling of the gas photo - ionisation Carlotta Gruppioni 2017 May 09, 15:00 IA / U.
Crash Course Frederick Hess and Chester Finn argue that NCLB was bound to crash andburn, since the machinery of the law is not powered by a coherent model ofeducational change or a sound view of the federal role in education.
While one can discuss a process or two — putting them all together to make a coherent model of our massive and turbulent planet requires supercomputers.
Even when the SCC does craft principles around review, Stratas writes, it does so in a way that only tweaks and rebalances the framework, rather than attempting to build a coherent model.
By helping children construct more elaborated and coherent models of self and other, highly elaborated reminiscing helps children develop a sense of security in the world, and to view others as loving and trustworthy.
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