Sentences with phrase «coherent structure»

But there is clear order that emerges upon finding exact coherent structures.
It provided a weak but coherent structure for continuing progress.
No support towards a more coherent structure, and further attacks on school and teacher autonomy.
«Our findings further support the usefulness of Lagrangian coherent structures to decompose unsteady fluid flows into dynamically different regions.»
Paper Writing Service agrees that proper usage of technical terms and coherent structure of your academic paper will greatly contribute to the overall success, so make sure to check every sentence you are writing and once you have read it, ask yourself whether it makes clear sense to the reader and whether it fits in the structure of the paper or not.
Delo, C., and A.J. Smits, 1997: Volumetric visualization of coherent structure in a low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer.
Staying with the dynamics of that floppy inverted pendulum, now picture each exact coherent structure as being a city on a map.
While it was thought that the sideline noise was random, the input - output modes show coherent structure in the jet that is connected to the sideline noise, such that it can be predicted and controlled.
«The Lagrangian coherent structures serve as a kind of temporary scaffolding around which an atmospheric river can grow and lengthen,» Perez - Munuzuri said.
A computer simulation reveals how Langrangian coherent structures can serve as temporary scaffolding.
Pierrehumbert RT, and P. Malguzzi 1984: Forced coherent structures and local multiple equilibria in a barotropic atmosphere.
«Turbulence in continental stratocumulus, Part II: Eddy dissipation rates and large - eddy coherent structures
These surfaces are called Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs).
The juxtaposition of suspended and freestanding volumes in a single work, as well as the introduction of more suggestive, referential forms, represents a new direction in Shapiro's experimentation with dissociated systems that commenced around 2002, when he began to disassemble more coherent structures into a series of wood and wire works that he hung from the walls and ceiling of his studio.
As such, it is crucial that business owners fully understand the UAE's laws and regulations and put in place a coherent structure that will protect the family legacy and wealth, preserve the legal rights of the family members and, at the same time, ensure that the business grows and succeeds.
Heraclitus said that the coherent structure of everything, the order behind the world, the order of all things — was Logos.
Heraclitus was this Greek philosopher who looked at the world, at the skies, at nature, and said that there had to be some unity, some governing principle, some harmonious order to the cosmos... and Heraclitus concluded that what gives the world all coherent structure — is a principle he called Logos.
Stories memorized and recited or read and interpreted from rare manuscripts united the tribe or community into a coherent structure with little need or opportunity for diversity, dissent, resistance, or rebellion.
more likely to deteriorate («rust») long before they collide repeatedly and form a coherent structure or more advanced machine that might turn out a 747.
The researchers identified discrete vortex regions in the water by detecting and tracking shapes called Lagrangian coherent structures — regions of a flow field that undergo similar experiences.
Using a powerful microscope to observe mouse oocytes as they split, Ellenberg's group found that the spindles assembled into two coherent structures, one for the future egg and one for the future polar body.At first, spindles appeared throughout the cell in a sort of mesh.
«Here we show that the rivers can be classified by whether or not they start as Lagrangian coherent structures and also what shapes those structures take.»
These so - called Lagrangian coherent structures have been observed shaping other natural phenomena, including volcanic ash clouds and plankton blooms.
Through computer simulations, Perez - Munuzuri and his colleagues have shown that Lagrangian coherent structures and atmospheric rivers could indeed be linked.
Using publically available data about wind speed and water vapor flux from real - world atmospheric rivers over the Atlantic, the scientists created a computer model consisting of thousands of moving virtual air particles and found a close match between the complex swirls — the Lagrangian coherent structures — made by the air particles and the patterns made by the real atmospheric rivers.
«Given that atmospheric rivers over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans appear as coherent filaments of water vapor lasting for up to a week, and that Lagrangian coherent structures have turned out to explain the formation of other geophysical flows, we wondered whether Lagrangian coherent structures might somehow play a role in the formation of atmospheric rivers,» said study coauthor Vicente Perez - Munuzuri, a physicist at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
The team thinks Lagrangian coherent structures could provide a better way of identifying and classifying atmospheric rivers.
«There are many examples in developmental biology where cells from different origins will come together and form a coherent structure.
«When teachers prepare to teach, they tend to seek out key points and organize information into a coherent structure,» Nestojko said.
To understand what an exact coherent structure is dynamically, we need to step back from what turbulence looks like visually with bunches of curls and swirls.
Exact coherent structures were already known to exist, Schatz said.
This is an analyzed snapshot of a moment of turbulent flow, in this case, an exact coherent structure (ECS).
But what are these exact coherent structures?
That near - halt point is analogous to an exact coherent structure, but there are a few more kinks in the metaphor.
Thus it is tempting to think of a CME as a coherent structure; a single — perhaps even quasi-solid — body, playing out a game of solar billiards.
With no characters or coherent structure, it's not surprising that the gigantic set pieces lack gravity.
This does not refer to the standard way of writing an essay but to forming a coherent structure, body of arguments and points of references.
The reason for this is simple: teaching requires establishing key points and organizing information into a coherent structure; and organizing information and placing it within a coherent structure are critical aspects of effective learning.
In addition to having a coherent structure and an easy to use numbering system, with key words for every principle of law considered in a case.
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