Sentences with phrase «coined by his poet»

The word surrealism was coined by the poet Apollinaire a century ago, and refers above all to an art of juxtaposition, the concatenation of shockingly disparate elements, shorn of context, with the slippery, succinct logic of a bad dream.
Neo-HooDoo is a term coined by poet Ishmael Reed to refer to the continued vitality of American spiritual traditions descended from Haitian vodun.
Goldfoil: Coined by the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, describing a sky lit by lightning in «zigzag dints and creasings.»

Not exact matches

«Suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief is a term coined in 1817 by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a «human interest and a semblance of truth» into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative.»
A faith which rests upon tangible demonstration is a contradiction in terms, and is really «unfaith, clamoring to be coined to faith by proof,» as the poet said.
The term poète maudit, or «cursed poet,» was coined by Paul Verlaine.
But the word was first coined nearly 600 years ago by the British poet William Langland as the name of a demon.
You can piggyback on their comments by explaining some poetry fundamentals after they've already observed them (e.g., ««Click clack» is an example of onomatopoeia, and poets use this device to suggest sounds, even coining new words in the process»).
Yet Kandinsky's curious gift of colour - hearing, which he successfully translated onto canvas as «visual music», to use the term coined by the art critic Roger Fry in 1912, gave the world another way of appreciating art that would be inherited by many more poets, abstract artists and psychedelic rockers throughout the rest of the disharmonic 20th century.
Sonia and Robert Delaunay's work is associated with Orphism, a movement they developed together, but the term itself was coined by the great French poet and surrealist Guillaume Apollinaire.
The title, LunarmagmaoceanLove, was coined by artist and poet Ali Van, looking at the Earth as an organ in which various elements interact through topological contact, contraction and sublimation — a dynamic orchestration of elements in a beautiful constant / irresistible state of flux.
The name (Orpheus was a mythological poet and musician of ancient Greece) was coined by French art critic Guillaume Apollinaire when describing the «musical» effect of the abstract paintings by the Cubist Robert Delaunay (which comprised overlapping planes of contrasting or complementary colours) in order to distinguish them from Cubism generally.
The movement's central figure was the English painter, writer and polemicist Percy Wyndham Lewis (1882 - 1957), while the name - referring to the emotional vortex which was considered to be the necessary source of artistic creation - was coined by the American poet Ezra Pound.
The movement, whose name was coined by American poet Ezra Pound, was a rejection of the propriety that defined Edwardian England and embraced the radical changes of the modern world.
The exhibition reintroduced to the public the avant - garde movement Vorticism, a term coined by American expatriate poet Ezra Pound to describe an abstracted figurative style.
So we went after scare quotes with the equivalent of Raid — that spray that carried the slogan, coined by the beat poet Bob Kaufman in his day job in advertising — «Raid Kills Bugs Dead.»
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