Sentences with phrase «cold on bare feet»

Slate, stone, and porcelain meet that criteria, though they can be cold on bare feet in winter.

Not exact matches

Hardwood floors, like the ones in this pretty and serene bedroom from Dear Lillie, are beautiful to behold, but cold and hard on bare feet.
I am too much of a wimp to expose large amounts of bare skin directly to the cold and I hate getting shoe bites from close toed shoes on my bare feet, so going hose-less is not an option.
Your bare feet on the cold floor as you climb out of bed and walk to the window.
Although I had nowhere to go, I got up early and sat on the front steps in my nightgown, knees together, bare feet arched to keep my legs off the cold concrete.
You would never consider going out on a snowy day with bare feet, and while your pet's paws are able to cope better with ice and cold than our human feet, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider protecting them from the worst weather of winter.
If you have beautiful hardwood floors, you might like showing them off but hate the feel of cold floor on your bare feet.
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